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什么是和弦进行?What is a chord progression?

但是我能看到那种进步。But I can see that progression.

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现在我们把和弦进行的问题解决了。So we've got a chord progression.

什么是算术级数?What is the arithmetic progression?

所有幻奇的进展都是缘饰。All imaginary progression is arborescent.

工作的进展,三家格言。Progression of the work, the three adages.

是的。这就是Duke,of,Earl乐章,一六四五一行进。So yes,it was the I,VI,IV,V,I progression.

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我们接着来看包含四个和弦的和弦进程。Let's move to a four-chord chord progression.

现在让我们继续讨论和弦进行。Let's go on now to talk about chord progression.

但他坚持说,这一直是自然发展的过程。But he insists it has been a natural progression.

正念甚至可以减缓艾滋病毒的进展。Mindfulness may even slow the progression of HIV.

我们相处得很好,但就是没有那种进展。We get on well, but there's no kind of progression.

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幻觉的复杂的发展过程很奇特。The involute progression of hallucination is strange.

进行分期以确定疾病进展状况。Staging to determine the state of disease progression.

这一进程似乎存在一种天然限制。There seems to be a natural limit to this progression.

近年来对鞘膜积液的治疗有了新的进展。There was new progression in the therapy of hydrocele.

如果有什么进展的话,齐塔人可以评论下吗?Any comments from the Zetas, if there is a progression?

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代表性的class-itis的级数像下面一样。The progression of class-itis typically goes like this.

请描述一下首飞测试的基本过程。Describe the basic progression of the first flight tests.

这类疾病的病程较长,并且通常情况下病程发展缓慢。They are of long duration and generally slow progression.