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一个精子?A sperm?

睾丸制造精子。Testicles produce sperm.

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在一个高智商精子库。In the high IQ sperm bank.

巨头鲸靠吃鱿鱼为生。The sperm whale feeds on squid.

只有一个精子使卵子受精。Only one sperm fertilizes an egg.

和抹香鲸和逆戟鲸的结果一样。Same result as Sperm Whale vs Orca.

为何精子银行拒绝红发男士?Why is a sperm bank banning redheads?

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甚至连他们的精子数量都在不断减少。Even their sperm count is headed south.

精虫朝未受精的卵子冲去。Sperm race towards the unfertilized egg.

你不禁好奇,精子们会怎么想。You have to wonder, what do sperm think.

“配子”指精子或卵子。"Gamete" means either a sperm or an egg.

另一种生殖细胞是精子细胞The other germ line cell is the sperm cell.

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精子畸形试验阴性。The sperm teratogenicity test was negative.

健康的男性每天制造7千万-1亿5千万个精子。Healthy men make 70-150 million sperm a day.

“他们不过是我的精子库与卵子库,”他说道。“They were my sperm and egg bank, ” he says.

然而只有一个精子会让卵细胞受精。It takes only one sperm to fertilize the egg.

出产健康精子的最好方法是什么?What's the best way to produce healthy sperm?

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精子只能向前游,不能往后退。Sperm can only swim forward and not backwards.

对了 一个精子 大家都明白了吗 没有 好吧。Yes. A sperm. Did everyone get that? No. Okay.

不过,你仍需要用自然的方式来提高精子数。You need natural ways to improve sperm counts.