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离差和群速的概念。Notions of dispersion and group speed.

度量数据集的分散性。Measuring the dispersion of the dataset.

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机身散热片设计。With excellent heat dispersion housing design.

有很多种方法可以度量分散度There are a number of ways to measure dispersion

这样我们就介绍完了集中趋势和离散趋势So, that completes central tendency and dispersion.

但是,是什么导致了财富的差距如此之大呢?But what has caused this great dispersion of wealth?

在层状介质中,瑞雷波具有频散特性。R wave has characteristic dispersion in layered media.

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由液膜所包围的气泡所组成的分散体系。A dispersion of bubbles of gas covered with a liquid film.

完美适合低剪切混合或高剪切分散。Excellent for low shear blending or high shear dispersion.

水煤浆是一种复杂的固-液分散体系。Coal water slurry is a complicated solid-liquid dispersion.

研究了拟薄水铝石的酸分散性能。The acid dispersion property of pseudoboehmite was studied.

增溶作用是分散剂的一个重要性质。Solubilization is an important property of dispersion agent.

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把这种分散剂加入熔融的松香中,能够得到稳定的松香分散液。By adding REOSN to the melting rosin we can get a dispersion.

方法采用固体分散技术制备胆维他分散片。METHODS The tablets were prepared by solid dispersion process.

良好的束流轨道可以获得低发射度、低能散的高品质束流。A high quality beam has low emittance and low energy dispersion.

四分位范围就是数据集分散度的一种度量手段。The interquartile range is a measure of dispersion in a dataset.

第三章为重气扩散过程的数值模拟模型。Chapter 3 discusses the numerical models of heavy gas dispersion.

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本文方法为优化射击顺序提高射击密集度提供了直接的方法。The test results show that firing dispersion of MLRS is improved.

凋亡细胞核呈浓染致密的固缩态或者颗粒状荧光。Normal cells showed uniform dispersion of low-density fluorescence.

易溶于水,耐酸、碱及硬水,具有较好的分散性。Soluble in water, acid, alkali and hard water, with good dispersion.