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他能把国际足联变成家彩票店吗?Can he turn FIFA into a bookie's shop?

只有国际足联才有权取得该银行保函。Only FIFA has access to this bankguarantee.

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南非世界杯足球宝贝!South Africa FIFA World Cup Football Babes !

“我们来到一片新土地。”国际足联主席赛普·布拉特说道。"We go to new lands. " FIFA President Sepp Blatter said.

它是一个过失由国际足联,他们必须对受到指责的某种见解或行为加以申辩解释。It was a gaffe by Fifa and they must offer an explanation.

而蒙特罗现在在为取得FIFA经纪人证书努力学习。Montero is currently studying for his FIFA agent's licence.

周二,许多国家的足协迫切要求国际足联推迟选举Football associations urged FIFA on Tuesday to delay the vote.

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对你和你的球队来说,世俱杯有多重要?How important is the FIFA Club World Cup for you and the team?

意大利蓝衣军团将向着他们的第六次世界杯决赛发起冲击。The Azzurri were heading for their sixth FIFA World Cup final.

FIFA10电脑机箱看起来还真的像一个烧烤架。FIFA 10 computer case was designed to look like a barbecue grill.

国际足联称哈曼和华纳如今将面临全面调查。FIFA says bin Hammam and Warner will now face a full FIFA inquiry.

他曾随苏联青年队出席1991年世界青年足球锦标赛。He capped for USSR Youth Team in 1991 FIFA World Youth Championship.

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国际足联将在本周二就这一问题发表一个通告。FIFA are expected to make an announcement about the issue on Tuesday.

国际足联女足国家队排名会用以确定其他种子队。The FIFA Women's World Ranking will be used to decide the other seeds.

特别要注意的是,那时还没有国际足联的媒体官员制止他。Especially when there are no Fifa media officers around to rein him in.

我对那个裁判太失望了,他应该受到国际足联的处罚。I was so disappointed with the referee, he should get punished by FIFA.

国际田联和国际足联接受国际体育仲裁院仲裁条款。IAAF and FIFA recognizing court of arbitration for sports jurisdiction.

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到12月2日,国际足联将最终决定2018和2020世界杯举办权花落谁家了。FIFA will decide the home of the 2018 and 2022 tournaments on December 2.

现在,FIFA世界杯在他的魅力影响下吸引了全球所有大众。Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell.

国际足联主席赛普·布拉特第四次成功当选。Fifa president Sepp Blatter has been voted in for a fourth term in office.