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没啥事正在发生。Nothing much is happening.

你也会开始踏上光明大道。You'll start happening too.

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你的生活现在就正发生着什么。Your life is happening now.

但生活却发生于现在。But life is happening right now.

他不知道目前发生了什么状况。He has no idea what is happening.

想像这是发生在你身上的事情。Imagine this is happening to you.

这样的事不可能发生。It has zilch chance of happening.

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我真不敢相信这事就这么发生了。I can't believe this is happening.

这就是发生在Jaiku身上的事吗?Is that what's happening to Jaiku?

但是,现在一下子涌上来了。It's all happening now in a bunch.

北岩银行到底发生了什么The Northern --what was happening?

泥浆泵出了什么题目?。What is happening to the mud pump?

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好了,现在正在发生相反的事情.Well now it's happening in reverse.

普纳PCMC地区有这种情况发生。In puna PCMC area this is happening.

这周还会发生些别的什么事情呢?What else may be happening this week?

事情是围绕特定人物发生的吗?Is it happening around certain people?

它八成还会继续发生。It will probably keep happening again.

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那行代码中发生了什么?What's happening in that line of code?

我们又怎样知道事情的进展呢?How do we know that's what's happening?

你如何防止发生这样的事?How do you prevent this from happening?