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这就是越狱应用程序商店。This is the jailbreak app store.

越狱使设备成为你想要的样子。A jailbreak lets your device be how you want it.

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这越狱稗和动物的生命在你手中!This jailbreak barnyard and the life of animals are in your hands!

屏幕上出现一条新的信息,显示越狱已经完成。A new message appears on the screen saying your jailbreak is ready.

为避免麻烦,请从我们公布的链接下载越狱程序。When you jailbreak make sure it's from our links tho to avoid hassles.

完完全全的不受限的破解,有可能需要或者不需要额外的步骤。Totally untethered jailbreak. This may or may not require an extra exploit.

员工帮助购买iPhone和iPad的消费者越狱。Employees also help customers to jailbreak iPhones and iPads purchased from the store.

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当然,这些不过是猫抓老鼠的游戏,很快越狱开发小组会找到破解的方法。Anyway, all these just cat and mouse game, soon jailbreak dev team will find a way to break it.

那我们为什么不在一两周之前就放出这张越狱的抓图呢?Why did we not release the jailbreak two weeks ago when the above image was captured and hashed?

然后,我可以修补它的一个基本越狱,让我与它交流通过亚足联从这里开始了。Then I can patch it with a basic jailbreak to allow me to communicate with it via AFC from here on out.

不能确定“越狱”是否是完美。相信更多细节将会很快呈现给大家。We don't know whether or not this is a tethered or untethered jailbreak. More details should become available soon.

一些人担心这次越狱事件也许会使塔利班的实力增强并成为几个星期之后春季攻势的开始。Some worried that the jailbreak might strengthen the Taliban in the coming weeks as the spring fighting season began.

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屏幕上出现一条新的信息,显示越狱已经完成。点击窗口的“确定“按钮,并关闭另一个窗口。A new message appears on the screen saying your jailbreak is ready. Click "OK" on this window. Close the other window too.

事实上,如果你有这款从Cydia程序商店购买的越狱软件MyWi的话,你还可以创建自己的Wifi热点,就像Verizon的MiWi一样。In fact, with MyWi, a jailbreak app from the Cydia Store, you can create your own WiFi hotspot similar to the Verizon MiWi.

假如你的步调准确,你的设备将会进入DFU形式,然后就筹办开端逃狱吧。If you have performed these steps correctly, your device will now be entered into DFU mode and then ready for the jailbreak.

当然了,你也可以在iSO上越狱,来获得相同的定制化服务,但是却程度不尽相同,而且这样也违背苹果的一些政策。Sure, you can jailbreak iOS and get some of the same customizations, but not to the same extent, and it requires going against Apple policies.

这个新的创新将使人们能够很轻松的突破他们的设备,此外,软件也将能解锁一些新的功能。This new creation will make the people able to jailbreak their devices easily and moreover this software will unlock some new features as well.

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据新华社电当地时间17日上午10时许,墨西哥北部边境地区塔毛利帕斯州新拉雷多市发生一起越狱事件,至少159人逃离监狱。AP 17, 10 am local time, Mexico's northern border state of Tamaulipas Nuevo Laredo City jailbreak incident occurred , at least 159 people have fled prison.

墨西哥媒体称,越狱发生在周五早上。当局已展开大规模的搜寻工作,试图将逃犯再次犯缉拿归案。Mexican media have reported that the jailbreak happened early on Friday morning and that authorities had launched a massive search to try to recapture the fugitives.

根据苹果公司公布的最新数据,截至目前已经卖出2亿台苹果设备,这意味着大量的用户仍在使用这些已经退出市场的越狱平台软件。With over 200 million iOS devices sold to date according to Apple most recent figures, that's a large number of people with access to these off-market jailbreak apps.