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参军入伍?Join the army?

一个战斗队是个集体。An Army is a team.

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军队土崩瓦解了。The army fell apart.

你将随军吗?You go with the army?

军队损失惨重。The army lost heavily.

八月一号是建军节。August 1st is Army Day.

一个战斗队是个集体。Now, an army is a team.

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因为现在我在服役。Because I'm in the army.

青蛙军曹的工资是?Is frog army Cao salary?

他本人睡在军事基地。He slept on an Army base.

我们陆海军的官兵们!Men of our Army and Navy!

你有儿子在部队吗?Have you sons in the army?

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这是一支野战部队。This is a field army unit.

你如何征募一个部队?How do you recruit an army?

我军与敌军交战。Our army engaged the enemy.

军队攻击了那个城镇。The army assailed the town.

这是一支无往不胜的军队。This is an invincible army.

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你在英国军队里。You're in the British Army.

布利斯陆军基地10英里。Bliss Army Base is 10 miles.

我在部队呆过三年。I spent 3 years in the army.