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及早补液可拯救几乎所有霍乱患者的生命。Early rehydration can save the lives of nearly all cholera patients.

新厨房从再水化站输送冷热水。The new galley delivers hot or cold water from the rehydration station.

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通过口服补液盐或静脉注射,霍乱是很容易医治的。Cholera is easily treated with oral rehydration salts or intravenous fluids.

本文对新鲜豌豆的收缩特性和复水特性进行了研究。The characteristics of shrinkage and rehydration of fresh peas were studied.

脱水和发烧可用口服补液盐和对乙酰氨基酚进行治疗。Dehydration and fever can be treated with oral rehydration salts and paracetamol.

除去补充电解质和补液疗法之外,通常并不需要治疗。Treatment is not generally required, except electrolyte replacement and rehydration.

世卫组织建议旅行者在其医疗箱中包括口服补液盐。WHO recommends that travellers include oral rehydration salts in their medical kits.

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等渗等压型的运动饮料有助于加快身体对水分的吸收,所以应该选用。To rehydrate, choose a sports drink, which is isotonic since this can help speed up rehydration.

目的探讨非酮症高渗性糖尿病昏迷的水化疗法。Objective To study the rehydration therapy method to treat hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma.

对于腹泻病,可靠的治疗方法就是口服补液盐和锌片。In the case of diarrhoea, reliable treatment exists in the form of oral rehydration salts and zinc.

袋装口服补液盐可在大多数城市药房和卫生保健机构获得。Packets of oral rehydration salts are available from most city pharmacies and health care facilities.

大多数患者可通过饮用大量口服补液盐溶液迅速和容易地得到补充液体。Most can be rehydrated quickly and easily by drinking large quantities of a solution of oral rehydration salts.

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他们还建议用口服补充液疗法来补充水分。They also recommend fluid replacement solutions made from what are called low-osmolarity oral rehydration salts.

他们也推荐体液取代解决方法,是从所谓的低渗透压口服补液盐获得的。They also recommend fluid replacement solutions, made from what are called low-osmolarity oral rehydration salts.

另外还建议使用由一种称为低渗透性的口服再水化盐制成的补液治疗。They also recommend fluet fluid replacement solutions , made from what are called low-osmolarity oral rehydration salts.

无国界医生发现,那里的医疗中心都缺乏救命的口服水份补充剂,有些诊所甚至干脆关门。MSF teams have found health centres with shortages of life-saving oral rehydration solution, and clinics that were simply shut.

因此为减小复水时溶血率,应控制复水条件、减小复水时细胞体积变化。So it is very important to control the rehydration conditions and decrease the volume excursion of cells for avoiding hemolysis.

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金匮回生液能引起副交感神经、脑及其它组织中乙酰胆碱的释放。The Oral Rehydration of "Jinguihuishengyi" can cause the acetylcholine discharge in the parasympathetic, head, and other tissues.

应该经常给他们吸允水或口服生理盐水,制成饮料,有助防脱水。They should drink sips of water often, or you could use oral rehydration salts, made up into a drink, to help protect against dehydration.

随即静脉滴注晶体溶液和抗生素包括青霉素、庆大霉素和甲硝唑。Intravenous antibiotics including penicillin gentamicin and metronidazole were urgently administered together with crystalloid rehydration.