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在戈兰高地,大约有八十万叙利亚人背景离乡。In the Golan Heights, an estimated 80, 000 Syrians fled.

作家埃里希奥利和甘戈兰高地建立的漫画书。Writers Erich Origen and Gan Golan created the comic book.

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一对重型“戈兰III”防御平台保卫着缪尼林斯特。A pair of heavily armed Golan III defense platforms protected the world.

萨法迪生活在戈兰高地,戈兰高地被以色列从叙利亚占领于1967年。Safadi lives in the Golan Heights, which Israel seized from Syria in 1967.

所以,你签署和平条约是为了能够达到和平……如果你说你可以拥有整个戈兰高地,那么我们拥有的是和平条约。If they say you can have the entire Golan back, we will have a peace treaty.

在格兰高地,罗尼•凯达用手机控制他的滴灌系统。In the Golan Heights, Rony Kedar controls his drip irrigation system with his cell phone.

在约旦河西岸以及戈兰高地的问题上采取类似“土地换和平…A land -for- peace deal in the West Bank and Golan remains Israel 's best hope of security.

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戈兰指出,“尖塔山”从书也试图摆脱某些基督教小说的说教气息。Golan said Steeple Hill was also trying to shed the preachy tone of some Christian fiction.

阿萨德身体不好,想在去世前重新得到戈兰高地,但他确实需要谨慎。Assad was not in good health and wanted to regain the Golan before he died, but he had to be careful.

在叙利亚的示威者还试图冲破在以色列占领的戈兰高地边界围网。Demonstrators in Syria also tried to break through a border fence in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

叙利亚要求归还戈兰高地,但以色列希望保持沿加利利海的土地。Syria demands the return of the Golan Heights, but Israel hopes to keep a strip of land along the Sea of Galilee.

在阿拉法特眼中,巴拉克单方面从黎巴嫩撤军并主动撤出戈兰高地削弱了他的影响力。In Arafat’s eyes, Barak’s unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon and his offer to withdraw from the Golan had weakened him.

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叙利亚说,在以色列同意从戈兰高地撤出之前,他们不会重回谈判桌。Syria says it will not return to the negotiating table until Israel agrees in advance to withdraw from the Golan Heights.

在1993年,克林顿害怕听到拉宾这位前将军愿意为了与叙利亚的和平放弃戈兰高地。Mr Clinton was thrilled to hear in 1993 that the former general was willing to cede the Golan Heights for peace with Syria.

最近这些天来,叙利亚和以色列官员一直在讨论为结束围绕戈兰高地的争端采取进一步行动。In recent days, both Syrian and Israeli officials have talked about renewing efforts to end their dispute over the Golan Heights.

罗根关于舍巴农场的描述有失准确。舍巴农场位于黎巴嫩和以占戈兰高地的边界上,被两国领土包围,至今就其归属仍有争议。His description of the Shebaa farms, a disputed enclave on Lebanon's border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, is inaccurate.

在北部地区,以色列士兵向巴勒斯坦人谁违反了安全栏,以色列控制的戈兰高地和叙利亚。In the north, Israeli soldiers fired on Palestinians who breached a fence separating the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights and Syria.

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“马希尔,你个懦夫,有种就带上你的狗腿子去戈兰吧!”愤慨的群众高呼着口号,这里的“戈兰”即指被以色列占领的叙利亚戈兰高地。"Hey Maher you coward, take your dogs to the Golan, " the enraged crowd shouted, referring to the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

革顺族在玛拿西半支派的地中得了巴珊的哥兰与其郊野,亚斯他录与其郊野。Unto the sons of Gershom were given out of the family of the half tribe of Manasseh, Golan in Bashan with her suburbs, and Ashtaroth with her suburbs

以色列计划向联合国提出控诉,谴责叙利亚在其与以色列控制的戈兰高地边界一带煽动暴力事件。Israel plans to file a complaint at the United Nations accusing Syria of inciting violence along its boundary with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.