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这一问题让人想起用几何学加以解答。The problem can be thought of geometrically.

初期的好日子里,他们的数量以几何级数增加。In early, fat times, their numbers grow geometrically.

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第一种是几何办法,这是一个直角。One is to argue geometrically that you have a right angle in here.

几何,这一现象类似于后抑制的反应。Geometrically , this phenomenon is similar to the post-inhibitory response.

裁剪技术依赖于经过几何测量的美丽胴体。Sartorial techniques insist on the beauty of a geometrically measurable body.

它在几何上的作用如下,我们知道向量有两个属性。Here is what it does geometrically Remember a vector has two different things.

他更加保守传统,倾向于使用几何学上完美的线路。He's more conventional, tending to use later, more geometrically correct lines.

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来教你们一个办法,可以几何化地思考。Well, I am going to give you another way ndS to think geometrically about n dS.

同时结合几何方法分析并计算了进给速度的变化范围。Meanwhile the lim it of feed rate is calculated both analytically and geometrically.

斜拉桥和斜拉索是几何非线性明显的结构。Cable-stayed bridge and stayed cable are obviously geometrically nonlinear structures.

上图的左部是成几何角度的反射星云编号为沙普利斯1。On the above image left is a geometrically angled reflection nebula cataloged as Sharpless 1.

莱茵哈德说其中一个女孩“身上盖着一块很漂亮的,绘有几何图案的黄布套。”One of the girls, says Reinhard, "has a beautiful yellow, geometrically designed cover laid over her."

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会,但是不像电影中那样根据梦的深度按几何级数精确增长。Yes, but not like in the movie, where time geometrically and precisely expands with the dream's depth.

就像做功一样,当计算这线积分时,通常不这样用几何方法来做。Just as we do work, when we compute this line integral, usually we don't do it geometrically like this.

最后,将地下衬砌的变几何与不变几何的应力分析结果作了比较。Lastly, the stress analyses of geometrically altered and not altered underground structures are compared.

万事万物的基本属性都可以被理解为,几何学的物体延展。Everything fundamentally about matter can be understood by considering it as geometrically extended stuff.

用这项新技术产生的正射象片有良好的几何质量与影象质量。The orthophotos produced in light of this new technique are of high quality both photographically and geometrically.

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注意。该几何级数的灵感设计结合了梯形形状与直线转达一种动态能源。The geometrically -inspired design combines a trapezoid shape with straight lines to convey a sense of dynamic energy.

原模应和部件有一样的外形,或者是此部件外表面的镜像。A model may be geometrically equivalent to the part image or it can be a mirror image about the part's external surface.

在一个画面中,将几个点以几何形式布局,人们也会想象中将这几个点连成线条。A line can also be implied, that is filled in by the mind when several points are positioned geometrically within a frame.