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在第6节,保罗建立了在教会生活中起作用的原则。In verse 6, Paul has now established the principle and goes on to show how this works out in ecclesial life.

拥有这样的态度我们就可以创造一个神的真理流传的团结向上的教会氛围。Having this attitude will create a united and positive ecclesial environment in which the truth of the gospel will flourish.

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由于教会大学出版物的世俗化,所以,其影响范围较之其他教会出版物更为广泛。It was the secularization of the ecclesial university publications that brought greater effects than other ecclesiastic publications.

这样,内心的洗涤伴同着教会共融的表现,反映出初期教会时已有的行动。In this way, inward cleansing is accompanied by a gesture of ecclesial communion, mirroring what already took place in the early Church.

如果这个会议要取得成果,它就不能是孤立的,而是应该将教会和文化作为平等的要素联系在一起。If the event is to be truly fruitful, it must not remain isolated, but must connect to an adequate journey of ecclesial and cultural formation.

基督徒生活和整个社会的教会社团应该因此感觉到呼召并参与其中,而热情地走进通往米兰2012的大道上。Christian families and ecclesial communities of the whole world should thus feel called and involved and enter solicitously onto the path toward Milan 2012.

基督徒生活和整个社会的教会团体应该因此感觉到被呼召并参与和热情地走进通往米兰2012的大道上。Christian families and ecclesial communities of the whole world should thus feel called and involved and enter solicitously onto the path toward "Milan 2012."

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数年来贝尔法斯特教会的弟兄和姐妹必须经过英国的检查站才能去教堂参加周日聚会。For several years the brothers and sisters of Belfast Ecclesia had to pass through a British checkpoint in order to attend Sunday meeting at the ecclesial hall.

我也有幸和其他各基督教堂、各教会组织以及圣地其他教派的宗教领袖相见。I have also had the opportunity to meet the leaders of the various Christian Churches and ecclesial communities as well as the leaders of other religions in the Holy Land.

我恳切为每一位信友和教会团体祈祷,愿大家的四旬期之旅成果丰硕,并在此诚挚地颁赐给大家宗座降福。With these wishes, while assuring every believer and ecclesial community of my prayer for a fruitful Lenten journey, I cordially impart to all of you my Apostolic Blessing.

加洛林王朝时期的政教联盟强化了基督教的政治作用,使基督教不仅作为一种信仰,而且还作为一种政治理论成为中世纪的主要意识形态。The alliance of temporal power and ecclesial power in Carolingian time enhanced the political function of Christianity, and made it not only a faith, but a dominant political theory.

然而,关于国内天主教神职人员对与教廷维持共融的立场,我们可以尝试作出一些分辨,认出几种类型。Nevertheless, in terms of the Catholic clergy’s positions on maintaining their ecclesial communion with the Holy See, several categories of clergy, i.e. bishops and priests, can still be identified