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还有那边的的士都是很少有倒后镜的…Also there are very few taxi's rearview mirror.

一分钟以后,我从后视镜里发现了他。A minute later I spotted him in my rearview mirror.

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我能看见麦克正从后视镜里望着我。I could see Mike looking at me in the rearview mirror.

许多领导者都是通过看后视镜的方式来设定目标的。Many leaders set goals by looking in the rearview mirror.

为什么福特总统从历史的后视镜里看起来要好得多呢?Why does Ford look so much better in the rearview mirror?

我从后视镜看了看,她的眼睛在闪着光。I looked in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were glistening.

我看向后视镜,在我的车后,一长排车龙正在形成。I looked in my rearview mirror. A line was beginning to form.

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还有学员认为后视镜或者侧视镜都是多余的汽车组件。One student saw no reason to check the rearview or side mirrors.

专心看车前的挡风玻璃,别看后视镜。Always focus on the front windshield and not the rearview mirror.

在倒车镜里我能看到一堵高大的墙壁在城市的远处崛起。In the rearview mirror I could see an enormous wall rising beyond the town.

那个人可以从后照镜看到有人在对他闪灯。The man could see someone flashing their lights at him through his rearview mirror.

你学会了在两分钟内化完妆,照着汽车后视镜刷牙You learned to apply makeup in two minutes and brush your teeth in the rearview mirror

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我们驱车离开时,我从后视镜中瞥见那汉子正在殴打她。As we began to drive off, I glanced at the rearview mirror and saw the man beating her.

这是诺大的一个世界,那只不过是一个小城镇。此刻就在我的后视镜里逐渐消失了。This is a big world, that was a small town. There in the rearview mirror disappears now.

这是新兴云计算市场的引导路牌,还是从后视镜里看到的景象?Is this a leading indicator on this emerging market or is it looking in the rearview mirror?

一天,在结束一段长距离游泳之后,我开着车,停下来时我死死地盯着后视镜。One day I was driving, after a long swim, and I stopped and looked hard in the rearview mirror.

从后视镜中我看到我的两个女儿,坐在那里,露齿大笑。In my rearview mirror I could see my two daughters sitting there with a huge grins on their faces.

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对于微软而言,苹果犹如芒刺在背,但十年前的景况却大不相同.Apple is now visible in Microsoft's rearview mirror, but a decade ago the picture was far different.

有些时候,在努力实现短小的时候,程序员会将明确性抛到脑后。Sometimes, in an effort to be short, programmers leave clarity somewhere back in the rearview mirror.

当他在拐弯微幅,他在后视镜看到镜子里的人对车运行群。As he inched around a curve, he saw in his rearview mirror a swarm of people running toward the truck.