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暴风雨在无径的空中怒吼Tempest roams in the pathless sky

啸声高奏著风暴曲。Or whistles aloft his tempest tune.

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但是嬉笑的暴风雨挫败了它的全部努力。The frolicsome tempest baffled all its efforts.

不过,坦贝斯特仍然继续着她倡议者的工作。Still, Tempest continues her work as an advocate.

我必速速逃到避所,脱离狂风暴雨。I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest.

难道我们的爱不值得它所掀起的轩然风暴?Was not the love we found worth the tempest that it boomed?

回你的暴风雨中去吧,回你黑沉沉的夜之彼岸!Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!

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但是即使是最明媚的日子里,也可能会被未知的暴风雨所笼罩。But even the brightes days can be darkened by an unseen tempest.

我必速速逃到避所,脱离狂风暴雨。I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm.

一定得保火险、水灾险、大风暴险以及其他的风险。They have to be insured against fire, flood, tempest and other perils.

暴风来自南极密宫,严寒出自极北之地。Out of the inner parts shall a tempest come, and cold out of the north.

尽管这次风暴已经减弱,它很容易就改变方向。Although this tempest has weakened, it could have easily gone the other way.

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15后来,暴风雨精疲力尽,未达目的即告休兵。By and by the tempest spent itself and died without accomplishing its object.

索尼埃闭上眼睛,脑子一片混乱,极度恐惧和懊悔。Saunière closed his eyes, his thoughts a swirling tempest of fear and regret.

回床上去,以便风暴来袭时,有足够的力量去应付。Go back to bed so that, when the tempest comes, you'll be strong enough to deal with it.

海雁因为历经了风吹雨打,才能喊出“让暴风雨来得更猛一些”的豪言壮语。Hai Yan because, after the wind and rain to cry "Let the Tempest come steeper some" rhetoric.

当暴风雨过去,他们发现在远处有一座航海图上未标明的岛屿。When the tempest had passed they sighted an island that was not to be found on any of their charts.

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在愤怒和原力的狂暴中,瑟鲍思失去防备,玛拉·杰德趁机把他击倒。A whirling tempest of anger and the Force, C'baoth dropped his guard, and Mara Jade struck him down.

暗黑死神军官可使用暴风榴弹枪可多发射击,或是死神飞弹可曲射。Dark Repear Exarchs get access to a Tempest launcher that fires clusters of reaper missiles in a arc.

9月,惠廷汉姆打破了自己的纪录,踩着这辆瓦尔纳风暴,最高时速达到了82.819迈。In September, Whittingham broke his own mark, pedaling the Varna Tempest to a top speed of 82.819 mph.