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我需要明晰锐利的头脑。I need my lucidity.

她用清醒意识对付恶梦。She used lucidity to cure her nightmares.

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我将我的清醒置于了对它的否定之中。I establish my lucidity in the midst of what negates it.

有很多种方式可以在梦中清醒。There are a lot of ways to bring about lucidity within a dream.

如果你有5个疲劳点数,你可以花费他们并获得1点清醒点数。If you have 5 Fatigue points, you can expend them and gain 1 point of Lucidity.

它坚持要求人们行事明晰透彻,如同执着于信仰。It insists upon one’s performing an act of lucidity as one performs an act of faith.

在梦里你是清醒的,而且能够控制梦境的情节。Lucidity can be used not only to look at your dreams but also to control dream plots.

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不过,我们还是称那些清醒之人为具有男子气概的人,我们不需要那种独立于清醒之外的力量。But we call the lucid ones virile and we do not want a strength that is apart from lucidity.

我通过先知怀疑的能力,他们清醒时刻的频率,来衡量他们的价值。I measure prophets' value by their ability to doubt, the frequency of their moments of lucidity.

先知的价值,要看他们的怀疑力是大还是小,他们神智清醒时是多还是少。I measure prophets’ value by their ability to doubt, the frequency of their moments of lucidity.

这需要很多的练习,而且几乎需要你沉浸于清醒文化中。It takes a lot of practice, and mostly involves immersing yourself into the culture of lucidity.

在我看了,仅是像一切高傲一样,说清醒的道德价值是无效的,这样是无法使之磨灭。The moral value of lucidity cannot be diminished in my eyes by calling it sterile like all pride.

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只有实证和抒情之间的平衡才能使我们同时获得情感和清醒。Solely the balance between evidence and lyricism can allow us to achieve simultaneously emotion and lucidity.

许曼克来自厦门,亚热带海风的吹拂使得自然清澈艳丽。Ms. Xu Manke Lives in Amoy, a port city in Southeast China, where sea wind of subtropics brings lucidity and flamboyance to nature.

如此自在的—在知性思考的远疆徘徊的—弹性,以及如此让人痛苦的洞彻和清醒,都昭示着无可限量的才华。So natural a suppleness in staying on the far boundaries of conscious thought, so painful a lucidity , are indications of limitless gifts.

你却必须理解并继续这个致命的游戏,这个让人从清醒地面对存在到逃离阳光、奔向黑暗的游戏。That is where it must be sought. One must follow and understand this fatal game that leads from lucidity in the face of existence to flight from light.

通过内在地无障碍地感知到万物的空无和透明,他在诸行无常、诸法无我和涅磐寂静这不可分割的“三法印”中获得内心的自由。Through the power intrinsic to perceiving without obstruction this emptiness and lucidity of all things, he attained inner freedom in the indivisible Trikaya.

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如果说解构主义翻译研究范式留给了我们兴奋之后的迷茫与困惑,那建构主义翻译学便是一个代表“明朗”的视角。If it can be said that the Deconstruction Paradigm has left perplexity after enthusiasm in our mind, the Constructivist Translatology could be representative of lucidity.

在我们研究“自觉梦境”的生理学层面的激发机制的过程中,我们观察到,我们所收集的“自觉梦境”个例中,相当一部分有着“神识离体”的成分和色彩。In our studies of the physiology of the initiation of lucidity in the dream state, we observed that quite of few of the lucid dreams we collected contained experiences like OBEs.

在这之后,很多大学的很多研究重现了这个试验,而且很多发烧友在LaBerge博士的清醒梦境中心的学术会议上经历了上百次的清醒梦境。Since then, dozens of studies at other universities have replicated the experiments, and enthusiasts have logged hundreds of lucid dreams at seminars held by Dr. LaBerge's Lucidity Institute.