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耶利米用书记员来为他记录。Jeremiah used a scribe to write for him.

我可以你和你的忏悔神父是抄写员。Might I your scribe and your confessor be.

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那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。The scribe worked hard to support his family.

帕奎奥的粉丝会争辩说,他们的偶像在对练中有所保留。So what's the drawback of being a fight scribe?

这就是耶稣,耶稣是优良的文士。This is what Jesus was,Jesus was a good scribe.

这个纸巾盒使我能很方便地刻线。This empty tissue box makes me to scribe lines easy.

叫其他人把故事抄录下来或者用磁带记录。Have someone scribe the stories or videotape the event.

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不管什么原因,保罗用了口授的方式让一书吏为他代写。For whatever reason, Paul dictated his letters to a scribe.

赵之谦的篆、隶用笔,金农的“漆书”。Zhao Zhiqian's Fragrance, scribe pen, McKinnon's "paint books."

这位奥斯卡最佳编剧奖获得者被控过失杀人。The Oscar-winning scribe was charged with vehicular manslaughter.

书吏是古代埃及具有良好道德修养的一个阶层。The scribe is a class with good ethics and culture in ancient Egypt.

文士以斯拉站在为这事特备的木台上。Ezra the scribe stood on a high wooden platform built for the occasion.

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只有小抄写员弥桑黛看起来支持女王的决定。Only the little scribe Missandei seemed to share the queen's misgivings.

讲稿是以课堂作业的形式由学生所誊写。Scribe notes are latex transcriptions by students as part of class work.

赢赢抄写员抄写的文本是文本文件和工作流程管理系统。Scribe Text Win Scribe Text is a document and workflow management system.

均墨书秦隶于篾黄上,字迹大部分可以识读。Shu Qin scribe on all ink yellow strips on the majority of writing can be read.

当时我提出了铅笔线靠近船头的地方我希望新的刀线。I then made a pencil line around the bow where I wanted the new scribe line to be.

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他取出一些旧的和一些新的,那就是优良文士的做法。He's taking some of the old and some of the new, and that's what a good scribe is like.

接下来,我用我的身体填料板,以刀轴',其中我的轴承孔被。Next, I used my body filler screed to scribe the axis' where my bearing holes were to be.

他写出自己的福音书,帮助人们明白,如何仿效耶稣成为优良文士。He writes his Gospel to help people figure out how to imitate Jesus in being a good scribe.