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这些只是宣传。It is propaganda.

那全是宣传。That's all propaganda.

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谁相信宣传?Who Believes Propaganda?

但是,这仅仅是宣传吗?But is this mere propaganda?

节会宣传。Six sections will be propaganda.

你管宣传。You are charged with propaganda.

他的艺术几乎不能被当做宣传画来解读。His art rarely read as propaganda.

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泛德国人的宣传令他感到厌恶。Pan-German propaganda made him sick.

那出戏剧纯属政治宣传。The play is sheer political propaganda.

他们散布了反法资料。They disseminated anti-French propaganda.

后来,他们降低了宣传运动的调子。They muted the propaganda campaign later.

这种情况下,就需要宣传途径了。When that happens, it requires propaganda.

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任何盛会都会有点宣传成分。There’s a bit of propaganda in any pageant.

这正是中国政府网路文宣的重大成功之处。That is the major success of Chinese propaganda.

我们必须为亚运会设立一个宣传机构。We must set up a propaganda for the Asian Games.

他们相信了当局的宣传。They believed the propaganda of the establishment.

本-古里安的谈话明显是对其人民的宣传。His speech was obviously propaganda to his own people.

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我们的宣传队长是周逸群。The head of our propaganda committee was Chou Yi-chung.

中央电视台虽然是由国家经营的,但却不仅仅是一个宣传机构。CCTV, though state-run, is not just a propaganda outfit.

农业丰收宣传画,和我们的午餐,每个人9个碗。Propaganda postcard and our lunch, everyone has 9 bowls.