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你的生活在别处。Your life is elsewhere.

位于硬件的某个地方。It's elsewhere on my hardware.

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我看著别的地方期待著能对答上的好主意。I looked elsewhere for inspiration.

但现在,推特开始风行于别处。But now it is catching on elsewhere.

我有点想搬到别处去。I have half a mind to move elsewhere.

那些技能在别处也可以得到。Those skills can be gained elsewhere.

对了,派对已经搬地方了。Oh well. The party has moved elsewhere.

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否则你的客户将改投别家。Or your users will likely go elsewhere.

况且那些东西是早已被人偷过了的。Stolen they had already been elsewhere.

因此亨利将注意力专向其它方面。So Henry turned his attention elsewhere.

未经许可﹐不得转载!No Reposting elsewhere without permission!

圣叙尔皮斯把秘密藏在了其他地方。Saint-Sulpice hides her secrets elsewhere.

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他们将在其他地方寻找可乘之机。They'll look for easier pickings elsewhere.

咱们想法到别处弄点吃的。Let's try and get something to eat elsewhere.

我们实在应该向别处寻找答案。We should really look elsewhere for the answer.

把音乐调小或者到别处开聚会去。Turn the music down or take the party elsewhere.

UIS的数字还指出了其他一些地方的进展。The UIS figures also point to progress elsewhere.

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柯普女士说,这部分是由于现在普遍缺乏就业机会。Part of it, said Kopp, is a lack of jobs elsewhere.

你不必去任何地方,因为我们已经列出了2,377,140辆汽车的信息。No need to go elsewhere since we list 2,377,140 cars.

弹性刚见的“自我经济”在其他领域也有所发展。The resilient “me economy” can be seen elsewhere too.