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洗衣机需要加点油。The washing machine needs oiling.

钥匙转不动了,它需要上油了。The key won't move, it need oiling.

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这表需要擦油泥。The watch needs cleaning and oiling.

机器停车了,得加点油。The machine's stalled. It needs oiling.

汽车修理工正在给轮子上油。The automobile mechanic is oiling the wheels.

大门的铰链吱吱响--该上油了。The gate hinges need oiling they're squeaking.

这会给你的皮肤一般背景上油。This will give your skin a general background oiling.

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但是在车轮上涂油和把路修平有什么作用呢?And just what has been done by the oiling and smoothing?

这辆自行车用久了,需要擦油。Having been used for a long time , the bike needs oiling.

它是注油工艺机械不可缺少的注油设备。It is a process oiling the machinery essential equipment.

水手工作于为支索、后支索和索具涂黑铅油脂。Sailors worked On tarring riggings and oiling cargorunners etc.

但定期上油的黄铜棒可能会是必要的。But periodic oiling of the brass rod will probably be necessary.

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你必须确认供应商清洗干净零件后在上防锈油的。You must make sure that the supplier clean the parts before oiling.

他们说谎是为了掩饰卑鄙的罪行还仅仅是为了让自己在社会上更加吃打开?Are they covering up dastardly crimes or just oiling the social wheels?

是割破了你的手指,是给你的自行车上油,是挖你的鼻子!It's cutting your finger, it's oiling your bike, it's picking your nose!

最厚重的油层位于玛凯印第安保护区和奥林匹克国家公园的海岸线一带。The heaviest oiling occurred along the Makah Indian Reservation and Olympic National Park shoreline.

在把木材刷光和上油之前,还进行了炭化,有助于避免材料的腐败。This involves charring the wood, before brushing and oiling it, to help protect the material from decay.

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TDY-3型阳离子油剂是针对ECDP纤维研制的,该油剂可赋予ECDP纤维优异的可纺性。The TDY-3 oiling agent was specially prepared for ECDP, and it could give excellent spinnability to ECDP.

新油剂在长麻生产线上试用,可纺性良好。The new oiling agent has been in long ramie fibre spinning and its effect is realiable in faciliating spinning.

自动轨枕螺栓涂油机采用传感器、PLC控制技术,是一个机电一体化的小巧设备。Automatic sleeper bolts oiling machine is an exquisite mechatronic equipment with sensors and PLC control technology.