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然后创建一个表头。Then it creates a header.

于页首添加日期及时间。Adds date and time to the header.

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函数然后设置头部。Then the function sets the header.

传送至用户端的回应标头大小。Response Header Size Sent To Client.

他用力把球顶过了守门员。He powered his header past the goalie.

每个DAG以一个17字节的记录头为开端。Each DAG is preceded by a 17-byte header.

首先,包含所需的头文件。First, include the required header files.

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函数由头部分和体部分组成。Functions consist of a header and a body.

若要排序清单,请按一下任何资料行行首。To sort the list, click any column header.

单击行标题可以选择整行。Clicking a row header selects the full row.

插入服务级别到新的头标记中。Insert the service level into the new header.

这就是我包含那个头文件的原因。So that's why I've included that header file.

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这个俱乐部的头是手冢。The header in this club is Tezuka kunimitisu.

维杜卡上半场错失的那个头球。Mark Viduka's missed header in the first half.

后缀名.h约定为头文件名的扩展名。The suffix . h is conventional for header names.

它的顶部和底部分别有一个页眉和脚注。There is a header at top and a footer at bottom.

实现这一支持不需要包含头文件。No header file need be included for this support.

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教您如何设计一个深蓝色复古圆角网站页头。How to design the Wii header found at

请求头场大小超过服务器限制。Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.

单击单元格或行标题可以选择整行。Clicking a cell or a row header selects the full row.