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星星能转世吗?But can the stars reincarnate?

然后变身成一只燕子。And reincarnate into a swallow.

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你一定再轮回的!You must reincarnate again and again!

于是,我们来充当一个正义的化身。Then, we will act as of a justice reincarnate.

如果一切都在最高的善中发生的话,你就不会轮回转世。If all happened for highest good, you would not reincarnate.

肉体可灭,而灵魂可以转生或转型。Can destroy the body, and soul can reincarnate or transition.

这使得他们转化为男性,女性,两性人,鸟,动物,等等。This causes them to reincarnate as males, females, hermaphrodites, birds, animals, etc.

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他们可以转世,只有找到一个谁也吃了有毒的草死了人。They could reincarnate only by finding a person who had also died by eating the poisonous grass.

我就是美貌与聪明并重,英雄与侠义的化身唐伯虎!I am fine-looking pay equal attention to with wisdom, hero and chivalrous reincarnate Tang Baihu!

你们晓得你们无奈发明新灵魂,而黑暗的灵魂却能够以你的孩子的情势,转世化身。Yea ones cannot create new souls you know, only dark one's can reincarnate into your children's forms.

好消息是那些谁灭亡将在另一个地方转世地方的能量将是类似的。And the good news is those who perish will reincarnate in another place where the energies will be similar.

我有几只知道自己化身的猫,有一只记得我在她很久以前的一次生命中。I have cats that KNOW they reincarnate and I have one now who remembers ME from long ago in a previous life of hers.

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我们连续不断地再生。一旦我们到达人类层次,我们就不再倒退到动物层次。We reincarnate into successive lives. Once we have reached the human level we do not regress back into animal forms.

尽管地球本身的未来并不光明,但是我们这颗行星好像可以作为一颗新的星球获得再生。And although Earth's own future isn't too bright, it looks like our planet could possibly reincarnate as a new world.

作者的灵感源于他持有美国赛车俱乐部的许可证,以及蒙古传统中狗可以转世为人的说法。Inspiration for the author both came from his SCCA license, and a Mongolian tradition that the dog can reincarnate into a human.

然后他就可以死去并转世成一个小孩,并经过正常的征兆加以认定。Then the Dalai Lama could die and reincarnate as a new baby, which would be identified after the usual study of portents and signs.

早上回家后被春花责骂,小倩好言相劝,春花不禁提出,怀疑春娇是师妹投胎向她讨债。Scolded by spring after go home in the morning, small qian coaxed, spring is put forward, doubt spring Jo is reincarnate back school sister to her flesh.

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书生王子玉偶遇化身西门燕的骷髅女妖,一见倾心,共结秦晋之好。Come across of student prince jade is reincarnate skeleton succubus of Xi Menyan, see admire, written guarantee in all Jin Zhi of the Qin Dynasty is good.

她如今是“转生145级”,历经艰险戴上了王冠,她的坐骑是一条浑身闪着火光的龙。She was a "reincarnate level 145, " having undergone dangers and hardships to win her crown and sit astride a dragon covered in sparkling, flaming scales.

有人说吃水莽草死的人会变成水莽鬼,只有找到同样死的人才可以脱生。People said that people who died of eating this grass would become ghosts. They could reincarnate only by finding a person who had also died by eating the poisonous grass.