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常合并肠扭转。Often merges the volvulus.

此图所示的为盲肠扭转。This is an example of cecal volvulus.

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结果15例急性肠扭转病人均经手术证实。Results 15 patients with acute volvulus were confirmed during operation.

原发性小肠扭转好发于青年或中年人,但在国内尚属少见,本文报告-老年病例。A case of primary small bowel volvulus in a 72-year-old woman is reported.

盲肠扭转,肠扭转是肠的扭曲缠绕。This is an example of cecal volvulus. Volvulus is a twisting of the bowel.

方法对15例急性肠扭转病人应用动态腹平片检查。Methods 15 patients with acute volvulus were examined by using dynamic radiograph.

方法对15例急性肠扭转病人应用动态腹平片检查。Methods 15 patients with acute volvulus were examined by using dynamic radiograph.

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螺旋CT扫描及重组对肠扭转的诊断具有重要价值。Spiral CT and reconstructions have important value to diagnose the intestinal volvulus.

患有肠套叠、肠扭转、肠梗阻无屁,是因为屁被肠子堵住。With intussusception, volvulus , obstruction without Pi, Pi is being blocked intestine.

结论动态腹平片检查提高了对急性肠扭转的早期诊断。Conclusion Patients with acute volvulus could been diagnosed early by using dynamic radiograph.

剖腹手术后的正确诊断是胆囊扭转并有坏疽性的变化。Gallbladder volvulus with a gangrenous change was the definite diagnosis following a celiotomy.

原发性中肠扭转是指无任何相关因素之下而发生肠扭转。Primary volvulus means idiopathic volvulus without predisposing factor and is rare in children.

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但对急性胃扭转伴胃壁坏死者,应加胃造瘘术。But when acute stomach volvulus occurrs with necrosis of stomach wall, gastrostomy should be performed.

ochengi导致牛的皮肤损伤,它和人盘尾丝虫都是通过一种黑蝇的叮咬而传播的。O. ochengi causes skin lesions in cattle and is spread by the bites of the same black flies as O. volvulus.

本病例入院臆断为阻塞性肠道缺血。A case of small bowel volvulus was admitted with the clinical impression of acute occlusive intestinal ischemia.

目的探讨慢性胃扭转的病因和治疗效果,以便选择更适当的治疗方法。Objective To investigate the cause and a more appropriate therapeutic method for treating chronic gastric volvulus.

临床医师目前面临的困境是盲肠扭结并无明确的临床特徵于是常常延迟治疗而导致肠坏死。Cecal volvulus has great diversities of clinical and laboratory presentations, which often lead to delayed treatment.

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目的探讨动态腹平片检查对早期诊断急性肠扭转的临床效果。Objective To study the clinical effect on patients with acute volvulus in early diagnosis by using dynamic radiograph.

剖腹手术后的正确诊断是胆囊扭转并有坏疽性的变化。Gallbladder volvulus with a gangrenous change was the definite diagnosis following a celiotomy. Cholecystectomy was performed smoothly.