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光辉战机是一个灾难,希望印度空军能拿到更先进的战机!Tejas is a disaster, hope IAF gets better fighter planes!

印度空军干得漂亮。你们的战备给了我们反击中国的信心。Amazing job performed by IAF. Your preparedness give us confidence to counter China's move.

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第一次北美洲的认证在2000年多伦多举行。The first set of assessments in North America took place in Toronto at IAF Conference 2000.

印度空军考虑把国道当做战机紧急降落之用。The IAF has been considering the use of national highways for emergency landing by fighter aircraft.

员工需要简单知道有关安全意识的信息,每年重新了解IAF。Employees shall be briefed on information security awareness and re-acquainted with the IAF annually.

他在电视方面的经验影响了他吸引读者的冰与火的写作风格。His experience in television influences the way IAF is written through act breaks that hook the readers.

不同微合金化系列占主导地位的IAF形核机制不尽相同。The dominant nucleation mechanism of IAF in HAZ of different micro-alloyed series was not the same as each other.

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IAF国际互认标志不可以单独使用,必须与认可标志共同使用。IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark must be used with other certification mark together. It cannot be used alone.

IAF国际互认标志不可以单独使用,必须与认可标志共同使用。IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark should be used with other certification mark together. It cannot be used alone.

理论分析和仿真结果表明,IAF方式在遍历容量和误码差错性能上均优于传统AF方式。Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the IAF outperforms the AF method both in ergodic capacity and SER performance.

鉴于印度空军机队的目前能力,这将给在拉达克,锡金或者阿鲁纳恰尔邦的印度军队树立一个主要的威胁。Given the current capabilities of the IAF fleet, this would pose a major threat to Indian forces in Ladakh, Sikkim or Arunachal Pradesh.

然而,这是有条件的,那就是印度空军必须选择这款世界上销量最大的战机。However, the company made it clear the proposal is "conditional" to IAF choosing the world's largest-sold fighter aircraft for its fleet.

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作为这个计划的一个衍生物,印度空军重新规划了他的行动计划,而且目标被重新定义,以与改变的方法和方向同调。As an offshoot of the same, IAF redrew its operational plans and objectives were redefined in tune with the changed modus-operandi and directions.

HAZ组织中IAF相对数量及晶界铁素体的形态是影响HAZ强韧性的决定性因素。The relative amount of IAF and the morphology of grain boundary ferrite in HAZ were the decisive factors affecting the strength and toughness of HAZ.

印度空军运输机队包括Antonov-32运输机、伊尔-76运输机和C-130J运输机。The IAF transport aircraft fleet comprises Antonov-32, Ilyushin-76 and C-130J Super Hercules plane, which was inducted last month into operational service.

本文件规定了获得认证证书的组织使用认可标志、认证机构标徽和IAF国际互认标志的规则。This file is used to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark.

本文通过对某电网调度系统的深入调研,利用领域工程知识,设计了一个基于J2EE平台的综合应用框架,并实现了部分功能。Based on J2EE platform, this paper designed an integrative application framework system, and realized some functions of it. This IAF has been used in some field.

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通过对电网调度系统的深入调研,设计了一个基于J2EE平台具体的应用框架。This paper introduces the framework of design of IAF system based on the J2EE platform. This framework had been applied to the DMIS system and received good result.

本文件规定了获得认证证书的组织使用认可标志、认证机构标徽和IAF国际互认标志的规则。This file document is use to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark.

本文件规定了获得认证证书的组织使用认可标志、认证机构标徽和IAF国际互认标志的规则。This document file is use to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF or International Mutual Accreditation Mark.