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离婚让他吃一堑,长一智。The divorce left him a sadder but a wiser man.

每次接到爱子的来信都更加令人悲伤。Sadder were the times when letters came from Aiko.

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因此,冬天到了,我们就会感到更悲伤,更加嗜睡。Consequently, come winter, we become sadder and sleepier.

当他回头看的时候,觉得小企鹅看上去比任何时候都哀伤。But as he looked back, the penguin looked sadder than ever.

一个下雨的圣诞前夜,这只能让我感到更悲伤、更孤单。A rainy Christmas eve. It just made me feel sadder and lonelier.

他身上还有别的东西,这使他的人生更加使人伤感。There was more to him than that, which makes his story even sadder.

当他们越来越远离这个乡村,悲伤和孤单就越来越浓厚。The further they went the sadder and lonelier the countryside became.

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这些都会从整体上塑造一个人的价值观,使他认为世界是一个悲伤之地。It can shade one's outlook on the whole that the world is a sadder place.

看看那些诺贝尔奖的获得者——你会发现没有比他们更悲哀的人了。Look at the Nobel prize-winners and you will not find sadder men than those.

没有比在一个社交网站中没有朋友更悲伤的事情了。There’s nothing sadder than a social network account with few or no friends.

他一天比一天更加悲伤,已经不再像是从前那位年轻、快乐的王子了。He became sadder each day. He was not a young, merry prince as he used to be.

出现在那条小路上的似乎只有两个实体,就是悲伤的十月和更加悲伤的她自己。Sad October and her sadder self seemed the only two existences haunting that lane.

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但是没有人因为这个原因而死,她努力使自己相信,但却感到更难过。But nobody dies for that reason, she tried to convince herself. But she felt sadder.

我不确定是否还有什么能比名人的星光逐渐暗淡更来得可悲。I’m not sure if there is much sadder than a celebrity whose star has ceased to shine.

最终,如果你能够对你自己完全诚实,你会更快乐还是更悲伤呢?Finally, if you could be totally honest with your own self, would you be happier or sadder?

我想再没有比看到一个成年人在车里听埃米纳姆或是斯努普·多格的音乐更让人难过的事了。I think there is nothing sadder than watching a grown man listen to Eminem or Snoop Dogg in his car.

最惨绝人寰的海难,“木犀草号“幸存者的骇人经历。A sadder story of disaster at sea was never told than that of the survivors of the yacht, Mignonette.

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他说他的狗狗会长命百岁,快快乐乐,并且,“没有一只狗狗在手术完显得闷闷不乐。”He said his dogs have lived long, happy lives, and “none of them are any sadder after being debarked.”

他更加伤心了,就每天来到泉边,想看看到底发生了什么事情。This made him all the more sadder and he came to the spring ever day, trying to find out what happened.

托尼在和我相处的两个小时中表现得既风趣又有魅力,但到最后时他开始变得越来越难过。Tony was funny and quite charming for most of my two hours with him, but towards the end he got sadder.