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人们都说快餐会让你发胖。People say that fastfood will make you get weight.

我想我那时应该去速食店才对。I guess I should have gone to the fastfood restaurant.

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公司名称是约翰逊国际快餐有限公司。Its name is Joh on International Fastfood Co. Limited.

公司名称是“约翰逊国际快餐有限公司”。Its name is Johnson International Fastfood Co. Limited.

我不愿在快餐店工作,因为没有小费可得。I don't like working in a fastfood restaurant because there is no tips.

我认为快餐不健康,所以不适合我们那么频繁地去吃。I think fastfood is not healthy, so it is not suitable for us to eat oftenly.

这样一来,在反对美国快餐产业上,俄国人顺便成为第一拨打头阵的了。By the way Russians were the first as opposed to Americans at fastfood business.

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去年夏天我在一家快餐连锁店工作,今年还打算去那儿。Last summer I worked in a chain fastfood restaurant, this year I'm going to go there.

泰国总理本身在美国留学期间也在肯德基快餐出口兼职过。Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra himself worked at KFC fastfood outlet while studying in the US.

许多中药保健食品被人们做成点心和小吃。A lot of Chinese traditional medicine health food is mixed by mug-up of people make it fastfood.

他在肯德基炸鸡快餐店前面的一场抗议中把自己拘禁在一个笼内。He confined herself to a cage during a protest in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken fastfood restaurant.

我希望你们提供一些一家美国公司的消息。公司名称是“约翰逊国际快餐有限公司”。I'd like you to give me some information about an American company. Its name is Johnson International Fastfood Co. Limited.

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我希望你们提供一些一家美国公司的消息。公司名称是“约翰逊国际快餐有限公司”。船员证。I'd like you to give me some information about an American company. Its name is Johnson International Fastfood Co. Limited.

白领消费文化以快餐文化为表现,以文化壁垒为特征,体现了形象消费主义的实质。White-collar consumption culture has its character of fastfood culture. Those are all the expression of consumption culture.

北卡莱罗纳一家快餐店的经理抓到一个小偷,当时他已夺过他的枪,两人正在厨房厮打。At this North Carolina fastfood restaurant, the manager takes on a robber, grabbing his gun, wrestling with him in the kitchen.

不锈钢饭盒,不锈钢快餐杯,不锈钢食格,不锈钢保温真空提锅。Stainless steel lunch box, the stainless steel fastfood cups, stainless steel, stainless steel heat preservation vacuum feed lattice Titus pot.

传统上海式的开放厨房别具魅力,难怪上海人非凡钟情街边小吃。The open kitchen of traditional Shanghai type is fastened attractive, pardonable Shanghai person is particularly loving street edge is fastfood.

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不少人于进餐前会感到过分饥饿,大可随身携带小吃如咸饼干及水果等,并于进餐前1-2小时进食。Many people at dining before can feel beyond the mark hunger, can carry fastfood wait like salty biscuit and fruit, and at dining before 1-2 hour takes food.

政府饬令观塘一持牌小食店暂时关闭,以进行彻底清洗消毒工作,因证实两宗新的食物中毒个案与该食肆有关。The Government ordered the closure of a licensed fastfood shop in Kwun Tong for thorough disinfection, following the confirmation of two new food poisoning cases.

随手扔掉的一次性塑料快餐盒难以风化、难以腐蚀,将会制造另一种意义上的“白色恐怖”。The sanitary plastic fastfood package discarded casually are hard to be degraded or decomposed, they will lead to a situation expressed in the old term "white terror".