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我们要立大志展宏图。Let's think big, ie plan ambitiously.

最开始,我雄心壮志地想把它做成一个收集所有这些小窍门的网站。Originally, I ambitiously thought I'd make it a site to collect all of these tips together.

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研究人员已经野心勃勃地研发以EAP为基础的替代物,来取代许多现有的技术。Investigators are already ambitiously working on EAP-based alternatives to many of today's technologies.

如今,发展中的浙江怡木公司正朝着规范化,集约化,市场化的方向大阔步前进。Now, Zhejiang Yimu Home Textile Co. , Ltd is moving forward ambitiously to standardization, intensivism and marketing.

ERP软件系统的最初和雄心勃勃旨在支持资源规划战略规划的一部分。ERP software systems is originally and ambitiously designed to support resource planning portion of strategic planning.

两条岔路的尽头都有穿民族服装的藏人在兜售小饰品和风景明信片,木板游道环线比别处也更加回环曲折。Costumed Tibetans sell trinkets and postcards at the end of each fork, and the boardwalks loop more ambitiously than usual.

在东北,张学良平定了杨宇霆、常荫槐的叛乱之后,雄心勃勃地打算在东北有所作为。In Northeast, Zhang Xueliang ambitiously hoped to get achievement after stilling the Yang Yutingand Chang Yinhuai"s rebellion."

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1975年,华盛顿制定了一项全面的自行车计划,这项计划雄心勃勃地要求划建出75英里长的自行车道。In 1975, the District published a comprehensive bicycle plan that ambitiously called for the striping of 75 miles of bike lanes.

他有着种族混合血统,接受过古典音乐的训练,倾向于夸张的舞台肢体表演,因此是勇于传达个性表现的新一代。Classically trained, racially mixed and prone to theatrical physical gesture, he has become a scion of ambitiously delivered self-expression.

另一方面,珠海炬力继续在亚洲市场独领潮流,并且雄心勃勃地扩展其欧洲和北美市场。On the other hand, Actions continues to play a dominant role in the Asian market and is ambitiously expanding its markets in Europe and North America.

这些人在村里农民的出租房安顿下来,然后雄心勃勃买颜料绷画布,进行艺术的探索与创作。They rented cheap houses from the villagers and settled in. They then ambitiously bought paint and canvas, setting out on their artistic explorations.

听老人说,现在的人心气浮躁,跟住得离地太远大有关系。我深以为然。Listen to an old person to say, present popular feeling gas is blundering, follow too ambitiously from the ground to matter. I am deep think like that.

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欧洲高速铁路运营商眼下正雄心勃勃地计划再增加多条线路、缩短开行时间,以图从短途航空市场争夺乘客。High-speed rail operators in Europe are ambitiously adding routes and cutting travel times, looking to snatch customers from the short-haul airline market.

在2007年法律与公正党下台后,在他们的强劲对手唐纳德·图斯克领导下的一个新政府,正在追求一种强大的emollient对外政策。After Law and Justice lost power in 2007, a new government, in the hands of his arch-rival Donald Tusk, was pursuing an ambitiously emollient foreign policy.

如今,随着华尔街陷入一场前所未有的“金融海啸”,日本金融巨头再次雄心勃勃地向美国市场扩张。Now, falls into one unprecedentedly along with Wall Street "the financial Tsunami", Japan financial magnate once more ambitiously to the US market expansion.

许多人关注中国在地区和国际事务中日益上升的影响力,也有人批评中国正在雄心勃勃地谋求地区和国际事务主导权。Many people are concerned over China's growing influence in regional and international affairs, and some people criticize China for ambitiously seeking dominance in these affairs.

企业家们在自己事业的每个阶段都展现出不同的特质。Entrepreneurs exhibit different attributes through the phases of their start-up businesses. At the onset, they tend to devote everything to their big ideas, ambitiously and energetically.