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神学是多余的。Theology is unnecessary.

人间不可能有普世性的神学。A universal theology is impossible.

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圣经神学为什么重要?Why is Biblical Theology important?

对于我们人们重建的神学。The theology of restoring our people.

那我们看看表演的神学意义。But let's look at that theology of acting.

政治神学的特点是面向实践。The political theology is practice-oriented.

圣经神学是怎样的一门学科?What is the Discipline of Biblical Theology?

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1512年他获得神学博士学位。He earned a doctor of theology degree in 1512.

他还来到耶鲁大学进修了一段时间神学He was educated in Theology at Yale for awhile.

换句话说,我是用圣约神学来教她。In other words, I taught her covenant theology.

“我们真正需要的是重建神学”。What we need now is the theology of restoration.

它回避宗教神学的唯理智论。It avoids the intellectualism of christian theology.

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稍后鲍尔写了广泛的历史神学。Later Baur wrote extensively on historical theology.

一个中央的想法,自由神学是神的内在。A central idea of liberal theology is divine immanence.

留心这自动自发的世代生出的神学。Beware of a theology produced by spontaneous generation.

圣约神学是圣经全部启示的架构。Covenant theology structures all of Biblical revelation.

基督教神学是最有诱惑的课程之一!Christian theology is one of the most fascinating subjects.

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基督教神学领域有包括玛丽亚的研究学说。The area of Christian theology concerning her is Mariology.

李奥纳多波夫是一位革新派自由神学家。Leonardo is one of the renovators of the Theology of Freedom.

圣经神学为系统神学提供丰富资源。Biblical Theology provides rich material for systematic theology.