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1874年,英国政治家温斯顿·邱吉尔在布兰姆宫诞生。In 1874, British statesman Sir Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace.

在这架从布伦亨飞往基督城的飞机上没有发现爆炸物。No explosives were found on the plane, which was on a flight from Blenheim to Christchurch.

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布伦海姆常在头顶或颅骨中央带有馒头形斑纹或“布伦海姆斑点”。The Blenheim often carries a thumb mark or " Blenheim Spot" placed on the top and the center of the skull.

丘吉尔是在女士衣帽间出生的,之前他母亲在布莱尼姆宫参加舞会。Sir Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' cloakroom after his mother went into labour during a dance at Blenheim Palace.

上周他完成了布伦海姆铁人三项赛,成绩是1小时43分钟,看起来在蒙特利尔这边他累坏了。He completed the Blenheim triathlon last weekend in 1hr 43mins and looks to be suffering the after effects here in Montreal.

介绍英国著名的布莱尼姆宫花园和瓦立克城堡花园,英国自然风景园林的总体特征是自然疏朗,色彩明快,富有浪漫情调。Blenheim Palace and Warwick Castle are introduced in this paper , English landscape gardens are picturesque, idyllic reflection of nature and full of romance.

默多克是英国太阳报母公司的老板,他在婚礼中亲手将他32岁的女儿领进了牛津夏布伦海姆宫中一座18世纪的教堂内。Mr Murdoch, chairman of Sun's parent company News Corporation, was on hand to give his 32-year-old daughter away at an 18th century chapel at Oxfordshire's Blenheim Palace.

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那些乘着巴士来观光的人们会顺便参观Warwick城堡和Blenheim宫殿,他们通常不看戏剧,有些人甚至能为在斯特拉特福看到剧院而感到惊奇。The sightseers who come by bus- and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side—don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.

当昨天切尔西家族正为特里在布伦海姆宫的婚礼而聚集在一起时,他们期盼着和好友们一起有着欢庆的一天。When the Chelsea family gathered for John Terry's wedding in the opulent surroundings of Blenheim Palace yesterday, they would have been expecting a day of quiet celebration among close friends.

乘巴士来的观光客们总是游览沃伟科城堡和布雷黑木宫殿,他们一般不会去看戏剧,他们中的一些人甚至会觉得在斯特拉特福有一个剧院是很令人吃惊的事情。The sightseers who come by bus----and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side----don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theater in Stratford.