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他的善意GMH.His kindness GMH.

善是善良之义。Shang is Kindness.

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真好是仁慈悲意?。Kindness is the word?

我拒绝了她的好意。I repulsed her kindness.

多做五件好事。Five extra acts of kindness.

多谢你的厚意。Thank you for your kindness.

我们十分感激你的好意。We appreciate your kindness.

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友善是行为中的爱。Kindness is 'love-in-action'.

爱到最后,都是恩情。Love in the end, is kindness.

我们应该报答他的好意。We should repay his kindness.

他做这事完全出于好意。He did it all out of kindness.

我怎么才能报答你的恩情呢?How can I reward your kindness?

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你的好意令我很不安。Your kindness quite abashed me.

你的善良将得到酬谢。Your kindness will be rewarded.

我永远不会忘记您的好处。I'll never forget your kindness.

用同情和善良来行动。Act with compassion and kindness.

她的深情厚意鼓舞了他。He was heartened by her kindness.

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他的好心好意是毫无疑问的。Her kindness was out of question.

我很玩赏你的善良。I truly appreciate your kindness.

恩慈是体恤的爱。Kindness is love's consideration.