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给这位同学一个特写Film that man.

这是一个电影胶卷。It’s a film reel.

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它是一部杰出的电影。It's a great film.

这电影很闷。The film is boring.

你知道的,那些影碟。You know that film.

你是电影迷吗?Are you a film goer?

学校名称?Name of film school?

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所以我跟马丁·马克思老师。So I did Film Music.

这部电影很叫座。The film draws well.

电影中角色分配不当。The film is miscast.

你喜欢哪位演艺明星?。Do you like film star?

这是他的第一部电影。It was his first film.

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这个是法式甲片。This is a French film.

我们已经看过这部电影。We have seen the film.

电影有英文字幕吗?Come si chiama il film?

你喜欢那部电影吗?Did you enjoy the film?

电影准时开演。The film began on time.

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影片结尾时乔对凯瑟琳深情地说。The film is to end Joe.

这将是一部鸿篇巨制。The film would be huge.

这是一部音乐电影片。This is a musical film.