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他是一位数学天才。He was a mathematical prodigy.

詹姆斯看起来真的是一位天才少年。Jamess appears to be a genuine prodigy.

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小神童蛋卷冰激淋。Small child prodigy ice cream egg rolls.

另一些人说,这是所有的愤怒创造出来的奇迹。Of the prodigy of all wraths, said others.

还是孩子的时候,鲍比·琼斯就是高尔夫球场上的天才。As a child, Bobby Jones was a golf prodigy.

毫无疑问,阿特米斯是一个天才儿童。There is no doubt that Artemis is a child prodigy.

艺术收藏界的神童实属罕见。IT IS rare to come upon a child prodigy in art collecting.

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终于,奇迹出现了,丁山开始爱上梨花。Eventually, the prodigy came out that Dingshan started to love her.

到达剑桥市的时候,他已经名声在外,人称“编程奇才”。He arrived in Cambridge with a reputation as a programming prodigy.

他始终是一个黑人的奇才,这种奇才弹奏起来粗野而惊人。He was always a Negro prodigy who played barbarously and wonderfully.

11岁的天才少年已经开始了他第一学期的大学生活。An 11-year-old child prodigy has started his first semester in college.

作为来自利亚诺姆沼泽的神童,奥姬总是表现出惊人的音乐天赋。As a prodigy from the Lianorm Swamp, Augie always showed great musical talent.

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主角是越前龙马,天才少年,嚣张的一年级新生。The main character is Echizan Ryoma an arrogant first-year who is a tennis prodigy.

穿了一套可笑的服装,他被人以六岁神童的称号带到宫廷里去。Dressed in a ridiculous costume, he was presented at court as a child prodigy of six.

在酒后的狂热中,他动了要创造一个音乐神童的念头。In his drunken enthusiasm, Melchior conceived the idea of creating a musical prodigy.

大部分的人将神童定义为早年就专精一种或一种以上技能的人。Most define a child prodigy as someone who masters one or more skills at an early age.

他是出类拔萃的海德里希军官,有时也被称为“犹太大屠杀的构建者“。A prodigy of Heydrich, he is sometimes referred to as “the architect of the Holocaust”.

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他四岁便被视为大提琴神童,七岁便进入享誉全球的茱莉亚音乐学校就读。A cello prodigy at the age of four, he entered the prestigious Juilliard School in 1962.

他四岁便被视为大提琴神童,七岁便进入享誉全球的茱莉亚音乐学校就读。A cello prodigy at the age of four, he entered the prestigious1 Juilliard School in 1962.

韩国游泳天才朴泰恒曾说过日后要超越美国名将菲尔普斯。South Korean swimming prodigy Park Taehwan once said he would defeat Phelps in the future.