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领导追溯性测试和模拟回收。Leads tractability tests and mock recalls.

你会发现狗既温顺又友好。You will find the dog's tractability and friendliness.

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确保产品易于区分识别。Ensures proper product identification and tractability.

看见苔丝这样听话,德北菲尔德太太不由得心中大喜。Mrs Durbeyfield was only too delighted at this tractability.

并讨论了分析框架的特点、意义和适用性。Section 4 discusses the framework's features, importance and tractability.

你方能供应哪些不含化学成分且易于加工蔬菜的产品呢?What tractability can you offer on the vegetables that it is chemical free?

然而对于其他的模型分析的处理依然是一个问题。However, analytical tractability remains a problem for most of the alternative models.

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提出了原油处理过程短期生产计划是否存在可解性的问题。This paper focuses on the tractability of shortterm scheduling for crude oil operations.

此犬种聪明,温顺,热情,是合适的伴侣和忠诚的工作者。His intelligence, tractability , and eager disposition make him an agreeable companion and willing worker.

这些特性使其温顺,这对猎人在狩猎中控制它很重要。Such traits are conducive to tractability , which is essential for appropriate handler control in the field.

该功能维持系统生命周期内各个阶段配置的完整性和可追溯性。This function maintains integrity and tractability of the configuration during all phases of the system life cycle.

然而,通过相互参照,若能明确追溯至顾客,则使用供方指定的编号也是符合此要求的方法。However, this requirement may be met by using a supplier designated number cross—referenced with clear tractability back to the customer.

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这种对人的动机和行为的假设的做出通常都是以内省、考虑特殊情况、以及在数学上易于处理为基础的。The assumptions about human motivations and behaviors have usually been made on the basis of introspection, inspection of special cases, and mathematical tractability.

更明显地,「资源增值计划」变成以牺牲中下层公务员利益及增强管理层的驾御能力作为实质目标。However, obviously, the substantive goals of the programme entail sacrificing the middle-to-lox-level civil servants' interest and enhancing the tractability of the management.

并论证了新的版本模型更安全、性能更高、更方便集成,能有效地支持视图,保证产品数据的完整性、一致性、有效性和可跟踪性。This paper demonstrates that the new model is more secure and high-powered, good for view management and information integration, and can keep consistency and tractability of product data.