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我不能只是约翰。I can't just be Mre.

一天食用不要超过6次。Use no mre than 6 times per day.

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愈是跟我亲近的人,我愈是喜欢他们。The closer they are to me, the mre I like them.

我们在一个地方停了下来,一辆后勤运输车拉来了满满一车的自热野战食品。We stopped for a while in one place, and an S&T pulled stacked over the top with MRE cases.

在巴杜拉·奎尔普地区,沙布勒神父只能用食品缓存箱作为弥撒活动神台的权益替代品。Father Subler has used MRE boxes as a makeshift altar for this Mass in the Badula Qulp area.

他的研究团队正在评估使用MRE检测乳腺癌和老年痴呆的可行性。His research team is now evaluating the use of MRE in detecting breast cancer and Alzheimer disease.

研究表明,MRE在诊断肝纤维化上具有灵敏性和特异性。The researchers confirmed that MRE accurately detects fibrosis with high sensitivity and specificity.

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对肝脏振动的同时,MRE可获得机械波穿透器官后所成的像。By applying vibrations to the liver, MRE obtains images of the mechanical waves passing through the organ.

这项研究涉及57名慢性肝脏疾病患者和20例健康志愿者。One study involved MRE examinations of 57 individuals with chronic liver disease and 20 healthy volunteers.

为后续肝脏组织的MRE研究奠定了基础,也为其他部位的弹性研究提供指导和参照。The invention establishes a foundation for subsequent MRE researches on the liver tissue, and provides directions and references for elastic researches on other parts.

仿真实验证明,用MRELAX算法对高分辨雷达目标数据进行处理与用RELAX算法处理的结果比较,MRELAX算法得到了更加清晰的目标特征。Simulations show that the new features gained from those experiments based on the MRE LAX algorithm are more concise and clearer than that based on the RELAX algorithm.

它是由二种或二种以上的耐高温纤维混合及层状复合,以实现更高、更新的物理及化学性能。It is mixed or completed in layer forms by two or mre than two kinds of high temperature resistant fiber. So that it can reach higher and newer physical and chemical performance.

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积极开展冶金反应工程学研究必将促进我国冶金理论研究和生产技术的现代化。The active development of the study of MRE at present will promote the theoretical research of metallurgy and the modernization of production technology in metallurgical industry.

研究人员通过MRE检测肝脏和脾脏的硬度发现肝脏和脾脏硬度与门静脉高压有显著的相关性。Researchers assessed MRE examinations of liver and spleen stiffness and discovered that a highly significant correlation exists between liver and spleen stiffness in patients with portal hypertension.