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我讨厌行李。I hate luggage.

这些行李都是我的。All this luggage is mine.

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这是您的行李单。上海轿车托运。Here's your luggage bill.

哎悟净,我们的行李呢?Hey Monk, our luggage it?

你们的行李都齐了吗?Is all your luggage here?

行李都齐了吗?Is that all your luggage?

这个行李真重。This luggage is so heavy.

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我来帮您提行李。Let me carry your luggage.

他砰地放下行李。He dumped down his luggage.

我们的行李已早于我们送走了。Our luggage was send ahead.

我想把行李寄放在这里行吗?May I store my luggage here?

我的行李被撕了道口子。There’s a rip in my luggage.

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这是我的随身行李。This is my carry-on luggage.

行李过磅了没有?Has the luggage been weighed?

行李架本田夜鹰。Honda Nighthawk luggage rack.

我把您的行李放在这里吗?May I put your luggage here?

将行李预先交寄。Send your luggage in advance.

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她重重地放下行李。She planked down her luggage.

哪里可以寄放行李?Where can I leave my luggage?

有人认领这件行李吗?Does anyone claim this luggage?