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例如,纳尔逊。For example, Nelson A.

肯尼斯·尼尔森饰演马特。Kenneth Nelson is Matt.

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只有内尔森-里瓦斯不能出场。Only Nelson Rivas is out.

阿.40纳尔逊赛车引擎。A . 40 Nelson racing engine.

你就是尼尔逊先生吗?Nelson are indentical with C.

那个男孩将成为尼尔逊第二。That boy will be another Nelson.

纳尔逊上将是个海军军官。Admiral nelson was a naval officer.

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纳尔逊先生不能常常回家。Mr. Nelson could not go home often.

尼尔森呢?Oh, he's not--Nelson, where's Nelson?

尼尔逊先生.这是我们最低的价格了.This is our rock-bottom price,Mr.Nelson.

“我真的不想要它,”尼尔森抱怨道。I really don't want it, " Nelson groused."

纳尔逊的早餐是猴面包树叶子。Nelson always had baobab leaves for breakfast.

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任何被尼尔森防守的人都无处可去。The man Nelson was covering had nowhere to go.

好,一共有五票,你呢,Nelson教授?OK, I've got five votes here. Professor Nelson?

他是曼德拉,一个告诉我们为何宽恕的人。He is Nelson Mandela and that is why we forgive.

在特拉法加广场有一尊纳尔逊的塑像。There is a statue of Nelson in Trafalgar Square.

十分高兴获悉你得到了尼尔逊奖学金。I'm so glad to hear of your scholarship to Nelson.

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这幅画描绘了特拉法加战役中的纳尔逊。This painting represents Nelson dying at Trafalgar.

本周是曼德拉的92岁生日。Nelson Mandela celebrated his 92nd birthday this week.

他称纳尔逊•曼德拉为“罗奔岛的巴巴拉”。He called Nelson Mandela "Barabbas from Robben Island".