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斜射的太阳光显得如此美妙。The slant of sun becomes significant.

喜欢用方言甚于大气的全韵prefer slant to the gong of full rhyme

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茄子斜刀切滚刀块。Roll-cut aubergines with a slant angle.

偏头疼治疗的最好方法是什么?。Slant headache what is best method of cure?

绘制时,修剪意味着使图像倾斜。When drawing, shearing means to slant an image.

治疗偏头疼用什么药效果最好?Does cure slant headache with what drug effect best?

他朝河里望去,望着那斜斜的钓线。He looked down into the river at the slant of the line.

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研究了限制舱体倾斜的压力条件。The pressure limits for preventing slant are slso given.

几次计划性的辩论都有一个关于心理辩论的倾向。Several of the planned Battles have a psychological slant.

你书写的时候笔身是倾斜的,和纸张形成30度的倾角。You slant the pen with an angle of 30 degrees on the paper.

交叠区域用黄色带黑色斜线来显示。The overlapped area is shown in yellow with black slant lines.

我发现,文章的落脚点是偏激的且具有误导性的。I find the whole slant of this article pejorative and misleading.

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但是甚至除此以外,它是一本具有特殊倾向的更漂亮的书。But even beyond that, it is a nicer book for the particular slant.

对影响回转窑轴向运动的主要因素——托轮轴线与滚圈中心线的倾斜进行了分析。The slant of support and roller' s axes is analysed as the main factor.

在现代,许多建筑被有意设计成倾斜式样。In modern times, many buildings have been designed at a deliberate slant.

本文综述了影响星—地路径雨致衰减的主要因素。The main factors influencing on slant path rain attenuation are summarized.

斜井或定向井在压裂过程中,经常因出现砂堵导致施工失败。Sand plug always occurred during fracturing in slant well or directional well.

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建筑顶部由西向东降低倾斜,进而与东部广场的宏大度相对应。The roofs step down and slant eastwardly, harmonious to the grand east square.

快点,他想,望着斜向黑暗的深水里的钓索。Come on, he thought and looked down into the dark water at the slant of the line.

无桥台斜腿刚架桥是近年发展起来的一种新桥型。Slant leg rigid frame bridge is a new bridge type which develops in recent years.