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异议书已送达英特尔。Demur book already service Intel.

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该频道由英特尔赞助。The channel is sponsored by Intel.

郭京申于1997年加盟英特尔公司。Mr. Guo first joined Intel in 1997.

英特尔也已有X58芯片组了。Intel also has the X58 chipset ready.

现在告诉我们它对英特尔的意义吧。Just tell us what it means for Intel.

你认为英特尔会为戴尔这样做吗?Do you think Intel does this for Dell?

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这就是在英特尔为我们展示的经验。That’s the lesson on display at Intel.

英特尔教育策划人艾琳.伦托Eileen Lento, education strategist, Intel

英特尔已表示将就此裁定进行上诉。Intel has said it would appeal the ruling.

高科技类股涨跌互见,英特尔股价持平。High techs are mixed and Intel is unchanged.

当然,这些广告也提及了英特尔公司。And of course, most of the ads mention Intel.

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基于英特尔Moblin项目的设备。Devices based on the Moblin project from Intel.

现在我的收入比在英特尔的时候多两倍都不止。I'm making more than double what I made at Intel.

英飞凌或将出售手机芯片业务给英特尔?Infineon selling cellphone chip business to Intel?

正在做的工作与英特尔和Microvision公司。The work is being done with Intel and Microvision.

1972年英特尔推出了8008,是4004拓展。In 1972, Intel delivered the 8008, a scaled up 4004.

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现在,英特尔只是整个数据迷局中的一环。Right now, Intel is only one part of the data puzzle.

今年5月,欧德宁任命马宏升担任英特尔中国区董事长。In May, Otellini named Maloney chairman of Intel China.

英特尔大连项目就给人以这种感受。Intel Dalian project feels with this kind to the person.