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你应该讲点道理呀!He should be reasonable.

群众是通情达理的。The masses are reasonable.

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哦哦哦…好有道理的感觉。Well reasonable of felling.

而我们的价格绝对是合理的。And our pice are reasonable.

合理睡眠。Maintain reasonable bedtimes.

这是完全合理的。This was entirely reasonable.

是的,听起来很有道理。Yes, it sounds all reasonable.

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他是个心平气和而讲理的人。He is a calm and reasonable man.

他的要求在理。He is reasonable in his demands.

他说的话很合理。What he says is very reasonable.

你所需要的是合理怀疑。All you need is reasonable doubt.

但是,休息也是有度的。But the rest should be reasonable.

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乍一听来,似乎合情合理。In theory, this sounds reasonable.

两种主张都有理由。Both propositions sound reasonable.

因此这个要价是合理的。Therefore the price was reasonable.

我想它们大部分还是合理的。I think many of them are reasonable.

批发商店的价格比较合理。Outlets have more reasonable prices.

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她说的一切听起来都蛮有道理的。All that she said sounded reasonable.

我说的这个价格是合理的.I should say the price is reasonable.

这座房子状况尚好。The house is in reasonable condition.