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听起来和柔道、空手道,跆拳道差不多。It sounds like Judo , Karate or TKD.

58岁的普京是柔道黑带。Putin, 58, has a black belt in judo.

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我爱好集邮和柔道。I go in for stamp collecting and judo.

象曰,系于金柅,柔道牵也。Like Japan, with gold Ni, judo and also.

日本的柔道是从柔术发展过来的。The Japanese judo is developed from the jiujitsu.

瑞安·里色尔第一次接触柔道,只有五岁。Ryan Reser first got involved in judo at age five.

当时日本奥运会主办国可以增设一项比赛项目,于是日本选择了柔道。The host country could add one sport, and Japan chose judo.

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我喜欢看举重,我还喜欢柔道和拳击。I like watching the weight-lifting and I like the judo and boxing.

我喜欢看举重表演,还很喜欢柔道和拳击。I like watching the weight-lifting and I like the judo and boxing.

但是举重和柔道运动员或许得不到如此厚爱。But weight lifting and judo players may not get the same attention.

但是这位美国柔道选手以前从来没有参加过奥运比赛。But Ryan Reser of the U.S. judo team has never been to the Olympics.

普京穿着他那套著名的柔道服,看上去棒极了。Putin is wearing his famous judo outfit. He looks terrific, relaxed.

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嘉纳治五郎教授于1882年将柔道创立成一项现代体育运动。Judo was established in 1882 as a modem sport by professor Jigoro Kano.

众所周知普廷热爱柔道,而麦维德夫则曾说过他享受做瑜珈。Putin is known as a judo enthusiast while Medvedev has said he enjoys yoga.

这似乎听上去有点自相矛盾,但是我把这看作一场心智的柔道。This may sound counterintuitive, but I think of it as a form of mental judo.

在柔道比赛中获得第二名的女运动员拒绝领奖。The sportswoman who got the second place in judo refused to accept the medal.

这似乎听上去有点自相矛盾,但是我把这看作一场心智的柔道。This may sound counterintuitive, but I think of it as a form of mental judo.

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还有一个班在日本使馆捐赠垫子和练功服以后开始上柔道课。Another began judo lessons after the embassy of Japan donated mats and uniforms.

以摔角或诱导技术进行摔投或制服。Using techniques from wrestling or judo such as throwing or submission techniques.

我不太喜欢像柔道和拳击这样的打斗项目,但是我不介意击剑。I'm not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don’t mind the fencing.