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很显然,改变会使我们离开内心舒适区。Obviously, changes destabilize us out of our comfort zone.

美国对中国军力的反应可能会使全球范围内的安全局势出现不稳定状况。U.S. reactions to Chinese capabilities could destabilize security at a global level.

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总统称这段录像是“颠覆政府阴谋”的一部分。The President claimed that the video was part of a “plot to destabilize the government.”

是否明智进一步武装颠覆一个有不敬的词历史的民族的世界?Is it wise to destabilize the world by further arming a nation with a history of dishonoring its word?

我们打击的民兵受到伊朗的支持,因此这是伊朗准备破坏伊拉克稳定的努力。The militias that we're fighting are backed by Iran, so this is an effort by Iran to destabilize Iraq.

未能就保证铁矿石在12个月里的基准价格达成协议可能会导致市场动荡。The failure to agree on a benchmark that would guarantee prices for 12 months could destabilize the market.

在今天的视频中,阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫谴责反政府激进分子企图破坏他国家的稳定。In a video today, Ali Abdullah Saleh accuses anti-government activists of trying to destabilize his country.

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这一倡议被称为“星球大战计划”,受到不切实际和威胁破坏现状的批评。The initiative, dubbed "Star Wars", was criticized as unrealistic and a threat to destabilize the status quo.

而且如果被用作住房贷款利率稳定器的债券市场投资渠道出现新的阻碍,就可能引发楼市不稳.Any fresh barriers to investment in the bonds used as a peg for home loan rates could destabilize the markets.

碎片是最近剥落下来的,土星还不足以有机会使其动摇。It may be that the debris was kicked off recently enough that Saturn has not yet had a chance to destabilize it.

假如把另一颗地球质量大小的行星摆进今天类地行星间的空间里,将会破坏整个系统的稳定性。Inserting another Earth-mass planet in the present-day space between the terrestrial planets would destabilize them all.

土耳其的大举入侵会令伊拉克进一步动荡,而且可能邀来伊朗的军事干预。A major incursion on the part of Turkey could further destabilize Iraq, and possibly invite military intervention from Iran.

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对男篮还是抱着希望的,虽然并没有奢望到能跟美国梦八队叫板。Basketball is still hope for, although do not expect to eight team dreams of the United States could try to destabilize him.

克里姆林宫官员声称抗议者是危险的激进派,他们利用外国政府的帮助来破坏俄罗斯的稳定。Kremlin officials say the protesters are dangerous radicals trying to destabilize Russia with help from foreign governments.

这不应该被视为我们过于咄咄逼人,或者试图破坏边界的形势。This should not be construed as us being too aggressive or trying to destabilize the situation along the border, " he said."

如果他们打算抽身事外,他们就造成美元的不稳,那么他们的其他资产的价值就得跳水了。Yet if they try to exit the position, they'll destabilize the dollar, and the value of the rest of their assets will plunge.

在这里,我还要强调,任何想拿涉藏问题做文章、从事破坏中国稳定活动的图谋,都是不可能得逞的。I'd like to restate here that any attempt to destabilize China by taking advantage of Tibet-related issues is doomed to fail.

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这些恐怖组织则正相反,他们当然不会觉得搞垮地区政府,实施国际恐怖主义更难。Those groups, of course, will not find it harder to destabilize local governments and conduct acts of international terrorism.

观察人士警告说,以色列与土耳其的外交危机加剧可能会导致日益动荡的中东地区更加不稳定。Observers warn the deepening Israeli-Turkish crisis could threaten to further destabilize an increasingly volatile Middle East.

如果另一个行星尝试强行介入存在的行星之间,重力的扰动很快就会使其轨道不稳定。If another planet tried to squeeze in between the existing ones, gravitational perturbations would eventually destabilize its orbit.