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在底部是“弗朗西斯哈米德阿尔一个中篇小说”。At the bottom is "A Novella by Francis Hamit".

普赖尔先生把他的短篇小说扩展成长篇小说。He has published short stories, a novella and a novel.

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我第一次读这篇短篇小说是在初中的时候。I first read this novella when I was in middle school.

马丁称这是一部相当有可读性的中篇小说。Martin says it's a novella , but either way it should be interesting.

诺维拉说,如果你进入一个热的房间,身体的新陈代谢就会增加,那么是否大脑新陈代谢的增加是因为手机产生的热量造成的呢?"If you go into a warmer room your metabolism will increase, " Novella says.

诺维拉说,如果手机真的有什么危害,那肯定是非常微小的。So if there is any risk from cell phones, Novella says, it must be very small.

这部电影是基于史蒂芬•金的中篇小说改编,并由约翰尼•德普和约翰•图图罗联袂出演。This is based off a Stephen King novella and stars Johnny Depp and John Turturro.

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他还为电影作了可爱的旁白,其中大部分直接摘录于金的1写于982年原版的小说。He also reads the film's lovely narration, much of it drawn verbatim from King's 1982 novella.

它就像一篇短篇小说,学者们意见有分歧,关于故事中埃及元素的可信性。It's like a little novella. Scholars are divided over the authenticity of the Egyptian elements in the story.

圣修伯里写这部短篇小说时借用了自己在撒哈拉沙漠坠机的生还经验。Saint-Exupy drew on his experience of surviving a plane crash in the Sahara Desert while writing the novella.

当他发现Zinaida的情人的真面目时,屠格涅夫的美妙中篇小说进入了一个崭新而复杂的层面。When he discovers the identity of Zinaida's lover, Turgenev's wonderful novella enters a new and complicated dimension. WF

四姐教训的是。六妹这厢给姐姐赔礼了。你下去换杯新的吧。Four elder sister novella BE. Six younger sister the this side compensated a gift for elder sister. You descend to change a cup new.

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本文通过这两个层次的微观化创作技巧来探讨契诃夫中短篇小说隽永的艺术价值。According to the two levels of microcosmic skills, the meaningful art value of Chekov's novella and short stories would be discussed in the paper.

甘建华先生是湖湘大地上一位享有盛名的作家型记者。Mr. Gan Jianhua is a writer-type journalist with great reputation all over Hunan province, and his corpus of novella To the West is widely praised.

然而,由于我每天都要花一定时间在日连载小说上,在年底我就能写成一本中篇小说,而实际上每个月我不用对此太费心力。But by focusing my efforts into writing a daily serial, I’ll have a novella complete by the end of the year with very little time invested per month.

写于1952年,这个巨大成功的中篇小说证实了他的权力和世界文学的存在和发挥他赢得了1954年诺贝尔文学奖的很大一部分。Written in 1952, this hugely successful novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a large part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

在这部电影最著名的落汤鸡式的结尾中,奥黛丽·赫本、乔治·佩帕德和他们的猫在一起享受倾盆大雨,但在小说中只有弗雷德和这只猫重新聚在了一起。In one of the most famous soggy cinematic endings of all time, Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard and cat enjoy a raindrenched clinch, but in the novella only Fred and the cat are reunited.

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每卷手纸上印有几份共有九章组成的一部最新小说。小说作者幸铃木是恐怖小说“午夜凶铃”的作者。后者曾被日本和好莱坞翻拍为电影。Each roll carries several copies of a new nine-chapter novella written by Koji Suzuki, the Japanese author of the horror story "Ring, " which has been made into movies in both Japan and Hollywood.

自它发表以来,它一直被奉为反殖民主义的经典之作,因为它记载了在康拉德的同时代作家作品中听不到的声音。Ever since its publication, it has been assumed to be an anti-imperialism literary work, because Conrad records voices in this novella which are quite different from those of his contemporary authors.