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她与匹普和艾斯黛拉有什么样的关系?How does she relate to Pip and Estella ?

我想我听到了埃斯特拉在花园里歌唱I thought I heard Estella in the garden singing

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皮普得知埃丝特拉将嫁给讨厌的本特利·朱穆尔。Pip learns that Estella will marry the hated Bentley Drummle.

命运被人操控,不能追求爱和自由。Not having the right to seek love and freedom, Estella lost herself.

我甚至产生了一种恐怖的幻觉,感到我和艾丝黛拉好象马上也要开始腐烂了。I even had an alarming fancy that Estella and I might presently begin to decay.

从他的话中,艾丝黛才发现女儿不只是与众不同而已。Through his words, Estella realized that her daughter was not simply different.

埃斯特拉是一个漂亮的女孩,对皮普而言,她就是教育和金钱的象征。Estella is a beautiful girl, and for Pip, she is a symbol of education and money.

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“我们想离开,”埃斯特拉·拜都亚说,她的丈夫是一名矿工。"We want to go, " says Estella Bedoya, whose husband is a miner."Here we're on contaminated land.

但是,在我开始叙述它之前,在我讲述它所牵涉到的一切变化之前,我必须专门用一章来谈谈埃斯苔娜。But, before I proceed to narrate it, and before I pass on to all the changes it involved, I must give one chapter to Estella.

不容辩驳的真相是,当我以一个男人的情感爱上埃斯苔娜时,仅仅是因为我发现有一种内在的抑制不住的情感非爱她不可。The unqualified truth is, that when I loved Estella with the love of a man, I loved her simply because I found her irresistible.

我所担心的是,在某个倒霉的时刻,我正干着最肮脏和最粗俗的活儿时,突然举目一望就发现埃斯苔娜从铁匠铺的木窗外向里面张望。What I dreaded was, that in some unlucky hour I, being at my grimiest and commonest, should lift up my eyes and see Estella looking in at one of the wooden windows of the forge.

他遇到了现在已经变的温柔的埃丝特拉,她的美丽容颜已经不在,但她那无以言表的庄严和无与伦比的美丽却依然存在。He visits Satis House, now in ruins, and meets a now softened Estella with the "freshness of her beauty gone but its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remaining".