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你觉得你把女人玩弄于股掌之中就是大赢家了?。You think you've won because woman are expendable to you?

兰迪·科裘饰演托尔·罗德,敢死队员,爆破专家。Randy Couture as Toll Road, an Expendable and demolitions expert.

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带有水平点火大射孔弹的消毁式聚能射孔枪。An expendable jet perforating gun with large horizontal firing charges.

何况还有坎比,马丁的复出,以及可用的内内。And, with Marcus Camby and the return of Kenyon Martin, Nene is expendable.

下面是5部使得米基·洛克够格成为敢死队的影片。Here are the top 5 movies we feel qualify Mickey Rourke to be an Expendable.

民主的责任制已经成为可有可无的次要美德。Democratic accountability has become a secondary virtue, desirable but expendable.

然而由于型模的消耗特性,型模成本可能较高。However, the pattern cost can be high due to the expendable nature of the pattern.

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所以,说得干脆些,我会向你展示李连杰的10大电影来明示为什么他够班成为一名“敢死队”。So, without further ado, I give you our top 10 movies that qualify Jet Li to be an Expendable.

西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰演巴尼·罗斯,又被称作变态佬,老练的敢死队员也是队长。Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross aka The Schizo, a veteran Expendable and leader of the team.

消耗型热电偶可测量熔金属中的温度。Expendable thermocouples are expendable probes immersed in molten steel to measure temperature.

此外,对焊嘴的频繁更换,必然导致单位生产成本增加。Also, the increased necessity for the high-price expendable article causes higher unit cost of production.

如今全球经济竞争激烈,那些不圆滑的人会被辞退或者被接替。In today's ultra-competitive and global economy, people that skate by are expendable and easily replaced.

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特里·克鲁斯饰演霍尔·凯撒,非洲后裔美国敢死队员,邵宝最好的朋友,武器专家。Terry Crews as Hale Caesar, an African-American Expendable and Bao's best friend, also a weapons specialist.

马宏指出,如果大家告诉“将军”是克里斯蒂娜拿着“锡拉”,“将军”也许会觉得林肯一伙没有利用价值了。Mahone points out that if they tell Krantz that Christna has Scylla, he may determine that they're all expendable.

在圣安东尼奥没有上场时间转而签约萨克拉门托的尤杜里让毕比在国王无立足之地。Beno Udrih couldn't get minutes in San Antonio then signed with Sacramento and promptly made Mike Bibby expendable.

作为一群领地的更值得牺牲者,它们基本上就是这样为了更大的利益,牺牲了自己。Thus they may have essentially sacrificed themselves for the greater good being more expendable members of the colony.

同时,菲尔突然青睐于科里坦顿,这势必会减少萨沙的上场时间,因此他是可以作为交易筹码的。Also, with Phil's sudden interest in playing Crit, this will severely cut down on Sasha's PT which makes him expendable.

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一种被称作自体移植,即某个患者体内消耗性的组织由来自其体内另一部位的组织所取代。In a process called an autograft, expendable tissue from one person is transplanted from one part of the body to another.

低温推进剂将替代现有燃浸型火箭的固体和其他有毒燃料。The cryogenic propellants will replace the solid and other toxic fuels used in the country's existing expendable rockets.

在某些蚂蚁军团里,可能会有数以百万计的这种可以随便牺牲的先头部队密密麻麻地向前推进,其宽度可达100英尺。In some ant armies, there can be millions of expendable troops sweeping forward in a dense swarm that’s up to 100 feet wide.