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主题可能更趋于抒情Themes tend maybe a little bit more lyrical.

我发现杜可风的摄影工作是有感觉的和衬歌式的。I found Doyle's camerawork to be lyrical and elegiac.

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剩下的歌曲的歌词则是由内而内的。All the remaining songs lyrical viewpoint is from the inside in.

她的演唱时而铿锵有力,时而柔美抒情。Her singing sometimes sonorous, powerful, sometimes soft lyrical.

这个感情的抒发是抒情舞的一个重要元素。This emotional expression is a critical element in Lyrical dance.

擅长寄情于银色月光的诗人大概是收到了宇宙的某些启示。Poets who wax lyrical about the silvery Moon may be on to something.

税务员手里拿着蜡烛浪漫地述说着他的爱情故事。The taxman waxed lyrical about his romantic love when the moon waxed.

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融装饰性、诗化的、曲线的形式和抒情主题为一体的艺术。A style with ornamental, poetic, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes.

这部作品大量的抒情文字让人不由得向其托尔金式的魔幻。The books are full of lyrical prose that bring to mind Tolkien style fantasy.

每次陈羽凡点评完,舞台的背景音乐就变得平缓而抒情。Every time Chen made a comment, the background music went peaceful and lyrical.

影片中有几段如歌如泣般的动人场景,其中最美的一段当属杰克。The movie offers several lyrical passages, but one of the best belongs to Jake.

在抒情方面,这一系列作品成为阿勃丝对于畸形人摄影的乡愁。In lyrical aspect, this series of works became the nostalgia of freaks to Arbus.

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抒情歌曲部分,可能会穿西装,还会有花衬衫。In the lyrical parts I might wear a suit and there'll be flowery shirts as well.

充满了诗意和感情,如果这是威廉,詹姆斯的写作特征。It's poetic and lyrical and if William James characteristically writes that way.

融装潢性、诗化的、曲线的形式和抒怀主题为一体的艺术。A style with ornamental, poetic, louboutin, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes.

同样的担心也使得中国领导人不愿意高谈阔论中国模式。The same fear makes Chinese leaders reluctant to wax lyrical about a China model.

如果我写这篇文章,我会倾向于使用一个抒情散文的形式。If I were to write this essay, I would be inclined to use the form of a lyrical essay.

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散文抒情比起小说、戏剧等样式的作品来,更为强烈、更为直接。Lyrical prose than novels, plays, and other style of work, more strongly, more direct.

宋词是词史上的巅峰时期,借建筑意象抒情的词作多如牛毛。Song-Ci is the peak period in the history of Ci, and building lyrical imagescountless.

而在“即兴曲”和“音乐瞬间”中,舒柏特使钢琴唱出了新的抒情风格。In "Impromptu" and "instant music", the Shubai envoy to sing a new lyrical piano style.