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他的无名怒火使我觉得很有趣。I felt quite amused at his unwarranted choler.

先生,这是对我的隐私的毫无根据的侵犯!Sir, this is an unwarranted invasion of my privacy!

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因此,营养师的焦虑是毫无根据的。So, the anxiety of the nutritionists is unwarranted.

当莫须有的期望最终没有实现。When unwarranted expectations ultimately are not realized.

中方不接受菲方的无端指责。China does not accept the Philippines unwarranted accusations.

因此我们需要一种不会给,我们这种无保证的自信的方法。So we need to have a method not designed to give us unwarranted confidence.

与街上的人搭讪,这些人觉得我的问题意思不大。People on the street, when approached, seemed to find my questions unwarranted.

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在作者的论述中,这一谴责既无正当理由,也缺乏依据。This accusation is unwarranted as well as unsupported in the author’s argument.

经常有刁恶的人来店里无理取闹。Cunning and vicious people often come to the shop to provoke unwarranted trouble.

组织者坚持将其名称全部使用大写字母——实为可恶且毫无根据。The organizers insist on the all caps, which is totally obnoxious and unwarranted.

但这一事实可能导致外界围绕该国做出一些把握不足、过于乐观的结论。But this fact can lead to some unwarranted starry-eyed conclusions about the country.

更惹人嫌的是,媒体最爱声绘声绘影说执行长的薪水过高而且没有道理。To top it all off, the media love to poratray CEO pay packets as excessive and unwarranted.

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当你成功摆脱平庸的第一个符号就是感到无端的恐惧。The first sign that you’re successfully breaking out of mediocracy is feeling unwarranted fear.

他动不动就对别人横加指责,气势逼人。He's always making unwarranted accusations against others. His manner is intolerably aggressive.

奥赖利说,担心全球发生经济衰退是没有根据的。David O'Reilly, the head of the Chevron Oil Company, said fears of global recession are unwarranted.

纯粹与慷慨,不需要赞美或辩护,喜悦面对绝望是无需理由的。Pure and generous, in no need of praise or justification, joy is unwarranted in the face of despair.

这一形势至少是令人不安的,极而言之,则是一场严重的全然无端的挑衅。This situation is at the least unsettling, and at the most a grave and wholly unwarranted provocation.

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我早已做过下面这样的假设——我跟你说过,进行无端的假设是我的拿手好戏。I had already made the following assumptions – I told you I am a genius at making unwarranted assumptions.

如果伴随新的行为的是更多的积极的结果,你对未知的担心就是毫无根据的了。If there are more positive results associated with the new behavior, your fears of the unknown are unwarranted.

但批评者称这只不过在媒体前做做样子,而中国人说这些清查行动是不正当的。Critics say they are little more than media spectacles, but local Chinese have seen them as unwarranted attacks.