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是的,合身极了。Yes,it fits perfectly.

它是完全对称的。It's perfectly symmetric.

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完美的平庸,或许是吧。Perfectly banal, perhaps.

这身衣服穿着很伏贴。This suit fits perfectly.

他完美地概括了这一切。He summed it up perfectly.

它是完全合法的公司。It was all perfectly legal.

好极了,谢谢你。Perfectly so -- I thank you.

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他们是完全无虑的。They were secured perfectly.

这双太合适了。This pair fits me perfectly.

烟囱笔直地矗立着。The chimney plumbs perfectly.

这件衣服你穿了挺称身的。This coat fits you perfectly.

您的头发全白了!Your hair is perfectly white!

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这衣服完全合她的身。The dress fitted her perfectly.

嗬,这个词用得够地道啊。Ha, you used the word perfectly.

她珍藏着一颗浑圆的珍珠。She has a perfectly round pearl.

这张桌子必须很平。The table must be perfectly even.

不要这样糟蹋了一个完美夜晚的记忆。Don’t ruin a perfectly good night.

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我希望教室里绝对安静。I want it perfectly quiet in here.

它也将加入烤架完美。It will also join grills perfectly.

您瞧,韩佳跳得多棒!Look, how perfectly Han Jia dances!