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清理废弃的车间时发现了成千上万块意大利风格的釉面砖。The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.

不同于上一次星巴客的美式风格,这次则是充满浓浓意大利风情的花式咖啡。Instead of American coffee style, this time student will enjoy the strong Italianate fancy coffee.

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后来他在英格兰和爱尔兰各地建了哥德式或义大利风格的城堡、住宅和村舍。He subsequently dotted England and Ireland with castles, houses, and cottages in Gothic or Italianate style.

高档物业业主可考虑建立一个独立的意大利风格的大理石大魅力风格的喷泉。Upscale property homeowners may consider the charms of a large freestanding Italianate marble-style fountain.

这座意式宾馆风情独特,绝对有理由让您走下免费斯塔恩岛渡船,来一探这座“被遗忘的小镇”的奥秘。This Italianate guesthouse is a good reason to step off the free Staten Island ferry and explore the city's "forgotten borough".

克拉福根坐落在欧洲最大最温暖的高山湖泊——沃尔特湖东岸,美丽如画并且带有一种泡泡般的意大利风情。The town is picturesque, with a frothy, Italianate feel, and sits on the eastern shore of Lake Wörthersee, the warmest and largest alpine lake in Europe.

很多特殊的建筑是意大利风格的、希腊复兴时期风格的和圣安妮女王时期的。Geneva still retains a large number of its mid-to-late 19th century homes. Many are in specific architectural styles such as Italianate , Greek Revival, and Queen Anne.

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在1985年,室内设计名人堂成员约翰萨拉迪诺来到了位于加州圣巴巴拉建于1920年的可俯瞰太平洋的意大利石材别墅的废墟。In 1985, Interior Design Hall of Fame member John Saladino came across the ruins of a 1920's Italianate stone villa overlooking the Pacific in Santa Barbara, California.

教堂由著名的建筑师斯坦福怀特和彩色玻璃大师约翰拉法尔热设计,其外形受意大利文艺复兴时期的影响,拘泥于意大利风格。The church building, designed by renowned architect Stanford White, and stained glass master John La Farge, features Italian Renaissance influences wedded to a basic Italianate form.

我们的开发团队特为您发布2009年最新颖的产品,结合现代时尚元素设计有经典意大利压花系列,纯牛皮牛仔系列,时尚PU系列等。Our group especially promulgate the most novel production with modern design elements for you in 2009 . The frame include classic italianate stamp series, pure oxhide and jean series, style PU series.