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一,知识并非天生。That there is no innate knowledge.

主情主义又有其先天的缺弊。Emotionalism also has its innate defect.

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你的先天性免疫系统试着去清除细菌your innate immune system tries to get rid of them.

那么对于HBV而言,它是如何破坏天然免疫应答的?For HBV, how does it subvert the innate immune response?

不倒翁的性格,这也许跟我天生的固执有关?Roly-poly character, perhaps innate stubbornness about me?

菲律宾人天生的温暖和音乐性给他留下印象。The Filipinos ' innate warmth and musicality impressed him.

我们对自己的偏颇并没有天生的认识。We are not born with an innate understanding of our biases.

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在他每一件作品中,都可以看到他浑然天成的艺术感。His innate artistic sense can be seen in each piece of work.

最后,民主将一定证明它与生俱来的强大力量。In the end, democracy will surely prove its innate strength.

这是因为身体的细胞的天然的接受能力。This is because of the innate receptivity of the body cells.

天生就坚忍淡泊的他更是将写作变成了另外一个自我。Added to innate stoicism he also made writing his other self.

补体是天然免疫系统的重要组成部分。Complement is an important component of innate immune system.

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这是否意味着天然免疫系统更重要?Does it mean that the innate immune system is more important?

但是他天生的好心肠使他一口答应了下来。His innate good-nature, however, dictated a favourable reply.

其内在的韧性是他们最大的资产之一。Their innate tenacity is one of their greatest assets, though.

金岳霖先生认为只有关于逻辑的知识是先天的。Mr Jin Yuelin held that only the knowledge about logic is innate.

或许我们先天的价值观也同样鼓励这些行为。Perhaps our innate values promote those kinds of behaviors as well.

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第二部分主要对人身保险利益做了定性分析。The second part is about the innate character of insurable interest.

如果你的能力是固有的,并且不可改变,怎样才会好?Which would be fine, if your abilities were innate and unchangeable.

一个性向是天生的天生能力做某种工作。An aptitude is an innate inborn ability to do a certain kind of work.