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“而且他特别招人疼,”玛丽霍奇沉思着说。"And he was very sweet, " said Mary Hodges wistfully.

这里脏,热而且臭,“她充满渴望地说。”“It’s dirty, hot and smelly here, ” she said wistfully.

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说不清楚是什么感觉,但又好象望眼欲穿。That do not know what it feels like, but if it wistfully.

他忧心忡忡地回忆起以前每个星期六晚上他都会去泡吧的往事。He wistfully recalls Saturday nights when he went clubbing.

“我也怀念那些食物,”凯姆惆怅的说。“你妈妈的杰作?”"I miss the food too, " Kem said wistfully. "Your mother's cooking?"

然后她若有所思的问道在中国一个医生能赚多少钱。Then she asked wistfully how much more she could earn as a doctor in China.

你作为父母将忧心的回顾那些被遗弃的童年故事。You as a parent will wistfully look back at all their abandoned childhood things.

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“能生两个孩子的人很幸运,”一名年轻女子告诉我,眼神中充满渴望。"People who can have two children are very lucky," a young woman told me wistfully.

彦侃衣时候会灰想自己伴前灯篮球肉时候,那时另召柚心无旁骛列灯球就交了。He sometimes wistfully thinks back to his early days, when he just played basketball.

但是当谈起开启一段新的生涯时,他通常说的是意大利。But he usually mentioned Italy when speaking wistfully of a new start across the pond.

新的丽莉是一个留在后方、苦苦期待她的心上人平安归来的姑娘。The new Lilli was the girl left behind, waiting wistfully for her soldier to return safely.

美茜子尖叫一声,查尔斯发愁地望着,揉了揉泪汪汪的眼睛,因为身子僵而没能站起来。Charles looked on wistfully , wiped his watery eyes, but did not get up because of his stiffness.

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许多民众都很怀念今年来的清新空气,而且想着这种空气还能不能再次出现。Many residents look back wistfully at the clean air this year and wonder if they'll see it again.

当其他孩子出去玩时,他若有所思地站在窗边,双目瞪着远方房子的房顶。When other boys were out at play, he stood wistfully by the window and gazed at the roofs of the distant houses.

他的眼神落在一位站在露台门旁地板边缘渴望人邀请的娟秀少女身上。His eye fell upon a beautiful young girl standing wistfully at the edge of the floor beside the door to the terrace.

我旋即被这本漂亮的小册子吸引住了,书页里尽是柔焦镜头下展示的女性拼贴画,她们在自己的侧影中衣着优雅鲜亮,眉目间脉脉含情,指间还燃着香烟。Its pages are a collage of women framed in soft focus, elegantly attired and wistfully posed, all cigarettes and silhouettes.

在谈及空闲时间时,Per总是充满渴望地微笑着,他时常组织主持社区演出和学生广播站。Per smiles wistfully at the mention of free time, but he manages to host shows at community and student-run radio stations anyway.

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长期的营求名利的交谈使我感到烦恼,我希望有一天属于自己的心爱同伴会来到。The secular talk of the worldly-minded was galling to me, and I would look wistfully to the day when my own beloved companions would come.

他多次对我说,他并无多求,然而,随着时光的流逝,他会若有所失地谈到缺少得到承认。He told me many times he didn’t want any big deal, but as the years passed, he would speak somewhat wistfully of the lack of acknowledgement.

我不玩愤怒的小鸟,我不会有宝石凯蒂猫个案,每一天,我觉得我有几个电话前的黑莓望眼欲穿。I don't play Angry Birds, I don't have a set of bejeweled Hello Kitty cases, and every day I think wistfully of the BlackBerry I had a few phones ago.