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我的意思是,它真的发疯了。I mean, it's really going wacko.

在英语中“wacko”是什么意思呢?What does the word "Wacko" mean?

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我对这古怪的输入法知道些什么?What did I know of this wacko kind of typing?

那个怪人用一种奇怪的语言自言自语。That wacko talks to himself in a weird language.

这个怪人,就是我的生物课老师伯奥曼先生。This "wacko" was my biology teacher, Mr. Borman.

你要告诉我现在是那个怪胎管事?You mean to tell me that wacko is in charge now?

我唯一的病人就是那个开图书馆的神经病。And my only patient will be some wacko who runs a library.

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朝鲜人发癫了?他们的领导人是个变态?Are North Koreans nuts? Is their leader a certifiable wacko?

你看见那个怪家伙没有?他穿的牛仔裤屁股上居然有个洞!Did you see that wacko in blue jeans with a hole in the hip?

然而任何一个疯子都不用花一点钱就可以把任何东西放到网上。but now for basically no money any wacko can write anything and put it on the web.

谢天谢地,和上面提到过的城市一样,迈阿密也把这些全球变暖疯狂支持者愚弄了一下。Thankfully, like the previous cities cited, Miami too is making fools of the wacko warmers.

但是对于一位被媒体称为“怪人杰克”的男子,他也有温柔的一面。But for the man once dubbed Wacko Jacko in the media, there was a softer side revealed, too.

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开个心理诊所。在沙漠里。我唯一的病人就是那个开图书馆的神经病。Open up a psych clinic. In a desert. And my only patient will be some wacko who runs a library.

然而,他的古怪风格也曾招致大量的批评,还因此被人称为“怪人杰克”。His one-gloved eccentric style also earned him plenty of critics and another nickname, "Wacko Jacko."

怪人就是指那些在行为上,在思维上不同于普通人的人。A wacko is someone who is "different" from the norm, someone who acts differently and thinks differently.

没有人能突发奇想想出什么疯狂的主意,而且没有人可以在一段时间内,对不同方案保持开放的心态。They had no one who came up with wacko ideas on the spur of the moment, and no one who could keep options open for a while.

这种情况经常发生在气候最温和的国家,而且随着世界气候变得反常,这种危险逐渐升高。This is something that happens in most temperate countries and the risk is even greater now that the world’s climate is going wacko.

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我也相当肯定如果泰迪·罗斯福活在今天的话,他可能会被一些人或团体描述为“那个柔弱的来自东海岸的杰出的环境保护论怪物”。I’m also fairly sure that if Teddy Roo­se­velt were alive today, he’d be referred to in some quarters as “that effete East Coast elitist environmentalist wacko.”

是的,在我早期的职业生涯里,反对我的人可能会说,啊,这就是一个右翼分子,他很笨,只是一个海军陆战队士兵,南方佬。Yes. Early in my career, the sentiment against me seemed to be, Ah, this is that right-wing wacko. He doesn't have a brain. He's a Marine. He's clearly from the South.

政治问题是如何选出运动领袖,激发愤怒而不屈服无政府状态,不受其内部不同声音的影响。The political problem is how to co-opt the movement's energy and motivational anger without succumbing to its incoherence and being tainted by the wacko voices within it.