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冰冷,纤柔如黑色的霜雪。Cold, delicately as the dark snow.

像滚动一粒珍珠,微妙,雅致,接于指间。Delicately roll it between your fingers.

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亲爱的,你用词太妙了,约翰接了一句。How delicately you put it, my dear, says John.

散发淡淡的清香与杏仁花和蜂蜜。Delicately fragranced with Almond Flowers and Honey.

玫瑰,香草,生姜,金盏菊,可可脂。Delicately scented with ginger, vanilla and cocoa butter.

他拿起我的一缕头发,优雅地轻嗅着。He lifted a lock of my hair and sniffed at it delicately.

她走起路来轻捷柔媚,好象是在城里教养大的。She walked as delicately as if she had been bred in town.

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我们收到一封婉言谢绝我们邀请的复函。We received a delicately worded refusal of our invitation.

她娇小玲珑,有吉卜赛人的美。Delicately built and slim, she had a gypsy beauty about her.

野田必须极为小心地平衡所有这些压力。Mr. Noda will have to delicately balance all these pressures.

她是一个害羞、娇美的女孩,长着一双大大的蓝眼睛。She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes.

仅次于科普斯矗立着微妙的透明亭子。Just behind the copse stands a delicately transparent pavilion.

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在眼和鼻的部位,用指尖轻揉涂抹。Use your finger tips around the eyes and nose . Dub delicately.

略带甜味的精致香气,舒适温和,酒香馀味。Delicately aromatic with a sweet, gentle flavor, winy after taste.

书中称,“这种鱼味道很好,属于细嫩多汁的白肉”。It's delicately flavored white meat, very buttery," said the book.

四川的精雕细刻,是著名的摩擦模式。Sichuan's is delicately carved and is famous for its rubbing patterns.

一个精致上色的抛光石材表面能够调动起舌头的潜意识。A delicately coloured polished stone surface is subliminally sensed by the tongue.

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幽雅的酒体中散发着花香和果香。Ruby red, with a delicately vinous nose packed with flowery and fruity sensations.

它们是手工制造,产品精致,具有漂亮的东方艺术品的特征。They are delicately hand-crafted with features of the beautiful art of the Orient.

此佛龛选用优质紫檀精制而成,工艺精湛。This niche is delicately made of fine-quality rosewood with refined craftsmanship.